Is ‘talking about’ a type of mental illness?

Is ‘talking about’ a type of mental illness?

This morning something pulled me back to bed after I got up.

I considered it guidance, and I got back to bed.

What came next was amazing: trips down memory lane, all centering around mental illness, mental stability, your TLB, and what was in common among the many people I remember so clearly, people I spent time with in mental institutions.

As an empath, other people’s feelings, emotions tend to tug at me. today 99% of what I feel is not mine… But before I became conscious, before I started to climb the consciousness tree, 30% of the feelings I felt were mine. I also had a lot more voices in my head… all talking at the same time.

The only reason I know, with 20/20 hindsight, that I was hospitalized not for what I felt, is that none of the medication worked… I wasn’t the person who was crazy, I just felt the craziness of others.

My theory of mental illness has always been that it is an escape… a hiding place.

Continue reading “Is ‘talking about’ a type of mental illness?”

Your life is built on a story. Make it a better story

Your life is built on a story. Make it a better story

confabulating your life storyWhat is confabulating? It is telling a story based on actual things that happened… But you can make, based on actual things, hundreds of different stories. But alas, most people retell the same boring story… and they are surprised that their life is predictable, boring, and not fun.

Storytelling is part and parcel with humanity. It seems that without stories people shrink, people get narrow, people can boring.

I crave stories.

When I was an architecture student, there was no time to read. It was horrible for me.

Luckily architecture, the actual doing the work doesn’t need all your attention. It is only 5% that is brain-dependent, and the rest of it is manual work. That is what I hated about being an architect, by the way. I like to use my brain, and 5% is not enough for me.

To give you a sense of what 5% is, it’s about the time you spend drinking coffee in a normal business day. Continue reading “Your life is built on a story. Make it a better story”

Anchor to doom, ET phone home, connecting to Source

Anchor to doom, ET phone home, connecting to Source

connecting to sourceConnecting to Source, being connected to Source is what you may want but you haven’t been able to… This article explains why and how you can. It’s a process.

I didn’t plan to write about this… I didn’t plan because like so many things that have disappeared… what isn’t there is… well, what isn’t there isn’t there.

But from time to time a client, a student reminds me…

And that’s exactly what happened: a client, an all around great guy wrote:

I looked to at what i might be hanging onto without noticing..

could grief or despair have some part of it? I used to find myself listening to music about sadness and hard times and used to think about sadness a lot. I used to almost create it in relationships with anyone, family/ friends/ myself.

I connected to him, deeply, and there it was: a whole lake of sadness that he was circling…trying to avoid being sucked into. It felt like the pit of despair, it felt like a black hole. Continue reading “Anchor to doom, ET phone home, connecting to Source”

If I ever do that to you… shoot me. Please…

If I ever do that to you… shoot me. Please…

How do you know what is advising you to do something or another?

I am sitting here. My assistant is AWOL.

I imagine myself in his skin, in his head, to identify what’s happening, so either to have compassion, ruthless compassion, or straight anger as a reaction.

I get more than I have expected: I get an insight.

He, most likely, heard something. His mind said: ooh, ooh, yeah, that’s it! This is the solution to all my problems! I am going to do that! and with that he abandoned all his responsibilities, and ran for the low hanging fruit, or whatever it was that he saw in his mind’s eyes that can finally be his. Continue reading “If I ever do that to you… shoot me. Please…”

You are like a dog wagged by its tail. The Mind is the tail…

You are like a dog wagged by its tail. The Mind is the tail…

You live as an object in a world of objects… an object with a mind, but nevertheless an object.

Your mind serves one purpose only: to live really like a machine, protecting itself, being self-concerned. Because if you are an object in a world of object, then every other object is a threat to you, physically, or otherwise, so you are always concerned with how you look, that you are right, that you dominate and avoid domination, you win and avoid losing, you justify yourself and invalidate others, and desperately scramble to avoid responsibility for anything and everything.

That is the life of an object living in a world of objects.

Your mind also tells you that you have to, you need to, you want to, you should do all the things that will make you look good and make it in this world of objects.

The problem with this setup, other than that it’s miserable, is that you are not ‘designed’ as an object: you are designed to be a person. But other than in labels, 99.99% of humanity behaves like an object, not as a person.

What is the main difference?

A person is not the dog that is wagged by the tail.

WTF are you talking about, Sophie? Continue reading “You are like a dog wagged by its tail. The Mind is the tail…”

Ask a good question, win $50

Ask a good question, win

Ask a good question… on a health topic of your choosing. It’s worth $50 to me.

If it is a good question, I’ll answer it in an audio, and in addition to getting the answer, you will win a $50. Not credit, but real god honest cash.

I leave the topic up to you, with one restriction: it has to be on health.

Good questions are hard to come by.

There is an entire site dedicated to good question… the ones that get a lot of answers are the best questions. Why?

Because the question reflects what people are thinking of, what is interesting to people, not just you. Continue reading “Ask a good question, win $50”

What do I do when I feel like I don’t measure up to life?

What do I do when I feel like I don’t measure up to life?

Occasionally you need to go back and become a beginner in what you think you already know.

I don’t really know… I only know when I am doing it.

I have, supposedly, got good at tens of things over the decades I have been alive… But my life is showing that good is not good enough.

Maybe in some things I am masterful, but in others I am just good… or somewhat good.

And this is what is going on in my life… and maybe in yours?

So I started with the best motivator: I put a substantial (for me) amount of money on a ‘test’ of getting customers, new customers from Facebook.

The fact that I think of Facebook poorly, the fact that I think Facebook people can’t like me and what I do is immaterial.

I now have invested my money in that, and I’d better earn my money back, or say good bye to it: my opinion doesn’t matter. Continue reading “What do I do when I feel like I don’t measure up to life?”

Sober eyes… having an inner state like macarena

Sober eyes… having an inner state like macarena

I got an email this morning from a student whose numbers are doing the macarena… up and down.

You can hear the exasperation in her voice… WTF? I am so good. I do the work. I don’t see wrong… so
What. The.F?!

Hear the emotion? Not sober eyes…

What is going on is shown by your emotions… the hissy fits, the yelling, the WTF. Continue reading “Sober eyes… having an inner state like macarena”

Why can a Mongol be well on meat, blood and milk?

Why can a Mongol be well on meat, blood and milk?

Some ethnicities live on a very limited variety of foods, a diet that doesn’t sound healthy… yet they are healthy, vibrant, smart, and vigorous.

Why can’t you? What would happen to you if you suddenly decided to eat like the Mongols in the 12th-14th Century, some 800 years ago?

I am going to entertain you with my tale… of no health…

I used to buy every expensive vitamin and supplement, and yet I wasn’t well. EVER. I really haven’t been well since high school.

All the supplement, superfoods, this and that did not make me well.

Nowadays I muscletest supplements before i take them, and most days I taken none, and occasionally I need one.

My kitchen counter has about a hundred bottles of the unneeded stuff.

What happened?

OK, if your IQ is not at least at or above average, stop reading here… you won’t understand. I don’t mean to be mean, I don’t mean to be rude, but your comprehension is limited, and what I am going to teach here is science. Continue reading “Why can a Mongol be well on meat, blood and milk?”

What a one minute exercise reveals about you?

What a one minute exercise reveals about you?

What do your emotions and behavior hide?

Your behaviors, your feelings and emotions are the tip of the iceberg, hiding the below water part, your attitudes. Your attitude to anything…

Here is the exercise: Close your eyes and imagine a bowl of cherries in front of you. It’s all for you. No competition. Or a box of chocolates if that fits you better.

How do you eat your cherries?

You reach out and take a cherry, or whatever you have in front of you.

  • Did you take the largest, most ripe cherry? The best of all the chocolates?
  • Did you take the puny little cherry first? The kind of chocolate you don’t really like?
  • Did you just take any of the cherries, without looking if it is big, plump, or puny?

The underlying attitude shows clearly on your behavior.
Continue reading “What a one minute exercise reveals about you?”