What is the lesson that if you learned it your light could shine?

What is the lesson that if you learned it your light could shine?

not too old to learn the lessonIt seems that there is a lesson to learn to all of us. The lesson that most of us never learn.

A few years ago, OK, I just looked it up: exactly 10 years ago I bought a bunch of books written by L. Ron Hubbard of Dianetics and Scientology fame.

I ended up reading only one of them halfway, watching a video, and leafing through another book.

I don’t like to be influenced much, and I especially don’t like to speak ‘Tree of Knowledge’ stuff… repeating what others said.

As a young woman, still a student, I lived with a philosophy student whose father was a famous philosopher. They had ‘classes’ every Sunday… he, his two brothers, and his father. My friend, Bundi wasn’t a thinker. His middle brother was. The brother has a Wikipedia entry, my friend is long forgotten. Continue reading “What is the lesson that if you learned it your light could shine?”

Psychopathy will prevent you from soaring…

Psychopathy will prevent you from soaring…

psychopathy will stop you from soaring, will make the world fixedIn this article we’ll look how psychopathy will stop you from soaring by making you, the center of the world fixed, unchangeable. And unless you can change…

Don’t be mistaken: Source’s definition of psychopathy doesn’t quite agree with the common view… I listen to Source, not the common view.

Long time ago clients are suddenly interested in participating again… clients that I hadn’t heard from for many years.

And somehow I managed to talk to their soul… and the soul told them to get off their butt and do something about their life.

Because don’t be mistaken, life is not kind to anyone, and it continues to be unkind if you continue living exactly the way you have always lived. Continue reading “Psychopathy will prevent you from soaring…”

What is your issue with work? Because you have one!

What is your issue with work? Because you have one!

The secret of big success in most any endeavor is to outwork the competition.

But humanity, you, have a problem with that.

I watched IP Man, four movies on Netflix, yesterday. Binge-watched. I considered it work.

Work? Yeah. Character study, life study, I learn from books and movies… so I can work with you better. I love working. Continue reading “What is your issue with work? Because you have one!”

Everything is a road to hoe, long, short, hard, easy

Everything is a road to hoe, long, short, hard, easy

methodology of transformation is a process, a road to hoeEverything is a process… a road to hoe. The new methodology of transformation in this article is one step, without which all other steps are ineffective and temporary at best.

Just because you feel brilliant, you may not be brilliant.

Yesterday I felt like I am definitely getting smarter. Felt good. Then I asked Source: Am I really getting smarter? And the answer was ‘no’. Continue reading “Everything is a road to hoe, long, short, hard, easy”

Humility: how do you know it’s lacking? What is there instead?

Humility: how do you know it’s lacking? What is there instead?
self-concern vs humilityHumility, wrongful pride, high about me score, self-concern… They all say the same thing.

The single most important blockage you have to raising your consciousness, raising your vibration.

In the 3-wishes workshop, one that I lead every Saturday afternoon, the one that never gets boring, I stumbled onto something that had never been revealed in all its gory beauty to the participants before: how focusing on hiding the self-concern completely and totally robs you of a life that you live powerfully, a life that you enjoy living, a life where you are productive and love yourself.

I have taught the concept, the distinction of ‘about-me’ for a decade now, but had never found a way to make it so visible, so visceral as in yesterday’s workshop.

humility... what does it mean?In the following video that I made some 8-9 years ago I explain how wrongful pride, a high about-me score, lack of humility manifests itself in life. Continue reading “Humility: how do you know it’s lacking? What is there instead?”

Is it a good idea to consider our times wartime and yourself the hunted?

Is it a good idea to consider our times wartime and yourself the hunted?

consider our times wartimeIs it a good idea to consider our times wartime?1

I am not sure… but my gut feeling says: Yes. I ask Source, and it says: Yes.

Why would it be a good idea to consider our times wartime?

Let me count the reasons…

1. In wartime people’s good side and people’s dark side come out to the open… past the forces that manage to keep them hidden in peace time.

So in war time it is easier to know who to trust and who not to.

It is also easier to see your own dark side and if you don’t like it do something about it.

If you are a putz… it is easier to say: being a putz will get me killed… let me put my ass in gear… Continue reading “Is it a good idea to consider our times wartime and yourself the hunted?”

Use fear, use hate as fuel… they can take you to the moon

Use fear, use hate as fuel… they can take you to the moon

use hate as fuelUse fear, use hate as fuel. This WILL Mean The Difference Between Success And Failureā€¦

Gurus, teachers, everyone and their brother say: you have to get a big why to become successful at anything.

Relationships, slimming down, getting healthy, or raising your vibration, your IQ, your emotional intelligence… anything.

I dare to differ.

In my experience, 35 years in the trenches, watching, observing like a hawk, and going through it myself, I have come to the conclusion that your WHY is a flimsy thing… Continue reading “Use fear, use hate as fuel… they can take you to the moon”

Feel powerless? What will it take to become powerful?

Feel powerless? What will it take to become powerful?

I have been observing that someone from Tallin, Estonia, a former Soviet Union country, has been spending time on my site.

And then in yesterday’s email, Vishen Lakhiani from Mind Valley announced a new masterclass: Unconditional Self-Love.

I don’t know what his wife is going to teach on that masterclass, but I know one thing: it will be, most likely, really beautiful, nice, heartwarming, and utterly ineffective. Why?

Answering that why is what this article is about… what they won’t teach you at Mindvalley. Continue reading “Feel powerless? What will it take to become powerful?”

Go for tada… it can take you a long way

Go for tada… it can take you a long way

In numerology, the number 4 is the luckiest number: because of it, like in a chimney, you can go up… no sideways moves.

As a young architect I was once sent to an industrial chimney, hundreds of meters tall… You climb it by a ladder… Yeah, that is what restrictions are… you either go up or down, not 360 degrees…

I just hung up the phone with a friend of mine who lives down the street.

She was railing about all the restrictions, and how miserable life has been, and how she has no ‘ta da’ experiences since the exercise classes have been canceled. Continue reading “Go for tada… it can take you a long way”

The secret of changing: beat your projecting mind

The secret of changing: beat your projecting mind

beat the projecting mindI wrote this article five years ago, but today I remembered it and here you go: I’ll republish it.

What happened? Two things. I now get asked for a health measurements muscletesting where the result is frightening. And the other thing is: I am taking Hyaluronic Acid capsules, and was pondering why Source said that it is good for me… It won’t make my face smoother… but I now have no heartburn, and I am noticing that walking is easier on my knees… So it is, in this regard a ‘shock absorber’ for my knees.

So that is how come I looked up this article and this activator I’ll talk about in this article…

And surprisingly, it connects really well to my Flexibility/changeability activator too… I like when things connect through and through.

OK, here starts the original article: Continue reading “The secret of changing: beat your projecting mind”