What would Sophie say? What would Sophie Do?

What would Sophie say? What would Sophie Do?

If this goes way over you head… don’t worry. You can’t see what you can’t see. Your vibration is probably lower than the threshold of seeing this phenomenon.

I had a call with a client today. He shared that our conversations stay in his head a lot. Continue reading “What would Sophie say? What would Sophie Do?”

How To Stay Broke Forever… stay busy pretending

How To Stay Broke Forever… stay busy pretending

If you ever wondered where guidance comes from, here is a great example, from about 10 minutes ago.

In an email conversation, one of my “interns” was commiserating with me… because the refrigerator died again, and this time there is no excuse: it needs to be replaced. Continue reading “How To Stay Broke Forever… stay busy pretending”

How does fear get in your way of getting to abundance, to a life worth living?


What is in your way of getting to abundance, to a life worth living? 1

People, normally, want some miracle potion, lotion, energy treatment, belief erasure, mind movies, vision boards, and many other things that they hope will give them abundance.

Or they are waiting to feel like doing something, maybe courage?

Continue reading “How does fear get in your way of getting to abundance, to a life worth living?”

High desire… it must be a good thing, right?

High desire… it must be a good thing, right?

Desire vs ambition. What is the difference? Which one should you have?

For most people words mean something… approximately. Their life reflects this unclarity. Clarity is one of the most important determinants of one’s life… this is why I measure it in the starting point measurements.

I watched a guy who until his clarity went up to 3500, he was miserable.

Most people I measure have a clarity of 200-400. Puny at best, sh*tty life. Guaranteed.

Ok, desire and ambition. Let’s agree what the words mean… energetically.

Desire is 100% desire to receive for the self alone. Wanting something for yourself but not being willing, not even considering doing work to get it. If someone else has what you want, you envy it, you are jealous of them… but to match the work they did… hell no.

Ambition, on the other hand is a willingness to work, to sweat, to do for one’s own fulfillment. The higher your ambition the more you can accomplish the faster.

Desire takes the energy away from ambition… Continue reading “High desire… it must be a good thing, right?”

A counter-intuitive strategy you’ve been missing…

A counter-intuitive strategy you’ve been missing…

build the habit firstSometimes you just do what you do… but you can’t see the forest for the trees… until someone puts a label on what you do… I am talking about myself…

This is what happened today… what a glorious day!

Because unless you see the forest… you may be doing the right thing, but

1. cannot teach others to do the same
2. cannot start a new “forest” in a different area Continue reading “A counter-intuitive strategy you’ve been missing…”

How full is your toolbox? …you are thirsty?

How full is your toolbox? …you are thirsty?

One of the common characteristics of people I meet is that they have no skills, no tool box, they are waiting for the right opportunity to do anything. They will start to learn the right skills when they need them, when they’ll know what they want to do. And, of course, it is too late to dig a well when you are thirsty… they languish of thirst…

I am a lot like Bob in the movie “Bob The Butler”.

I am inspired by that movie to do even more skill building to fill my tool box.

I am 70 years old. I have 27 skill sets, 27 ways to make a living. I am an architect. I am a brick mason. I can lay wooden floor, I can lay tiles both on the floor and on the wall. I can hang wallpaper. I am a plumber. etc. etc. etc. One time I counted. I have forgotten more professions than you know how to do.

What did this do to me? What did this do to Bob, the butler?

Continue reading “How full is your toolbox? …you are thirsty?”

What you read about abundance isn’t doing it for you?

What you read about abundance isn’t doing it for you?
What you find in books, articles about abundance all come from the Dark Side.

Please consider that there is a Dark Side. It will explain a lot…

The Dark Side is created by people with their words, with their visualization. Mind stuff. Some people did that with intentional misdirection, others people: too stupid, too unaware, too shallow to even look… just saying and writing second hand bullshit.

While I was working on getting to a worldview that is most accurate, I studied, deeply, quite a few disciplines and “modalities”… philosophies. For way more than 10 dark years… lol.

Landmark Education, Kabbalah (the Kabbalah Centre way), the Healing Codes, Theta Healing, Omega Shakti System, T. Harv Eker, Dianetics, etc. etc. etc. Continue reading “What you read about abundance isn’t doing it for you?”

Are you a money magnet? If not, read this article

What would put you into the vibration of money? Or why are you repelling money?

Summary: 90% of what keeps you in money, or what repels money from you are you attitudes towards people, including yourself.

It is not vibration, per se… but people feel it. And they refuse to give you money.

The solution is to develop attitudes more conducive, more attractive, more inviting to money.

Most of my courses are about that… Changing your attitudes…

The article below may be too scholarly for most of you…

What is blocking your ability to abundance? To making money, to accepting money, to do things worth money?

Continue reading “Are you a money magnet? If not, read this article”

What is the opposite of entitled?

what do I deserve?Every generation is more entitled than the previous one. Why? Let me explain…

If appreciative is the opposite of entitled… does that mean that all those people who are not appreciative are entitled?

Entitled 1 is a worldview. It is a ground-of-being phenomenon, invisible, like the floor. An unexamined truth. To you. But for the other, it is quite obvious… 2

So how do you know that you are not appreciative? that you are entitled?

This is how:

  • Even when you thank someone, they frown…
  • You may even be diligent in thanking someone, you may even feel a stab of thankfulness, but those thanks are the waves on the waters, not the bottom of the sea… The bottom of your sea is entitlement.

Continue reading “What is the opposite of entitled?”

Do your spiritual practices make you higher vibration?

Do your spiritual practices make you higher vibration?

What is the common error in many of the spiritual practices, an error that result in not what someone wanted from the practice, but instead forcing, or self-righteousness… neither of which are very spiritual? 1

I am learning a lot by observing Gurjieff at different stages of his journey, and through the different students he had.

If I am not mistaken, the mistake is made early on… in the intention.

I have learned different meditation techniques. What was in common with them is the desire to be free from the thoughts, and the harmful emotions.

It is the wrong start. Continue reading “Do your spiritual practices make you higher vibration?”