Good relationship? Relationship mastery for relationship

Good relationship? Relationship mastery for relationship

This is what I have been trying to avoid all my life…

Everyone and their brother says that connecting with people is the area of life where you have the most pleasure and happiness, and the most discord, and unhappiness.

Given my childhood, I am afraid of people, I am afraid of pain, and I am very reluctant to even have people around me.

Too much pain… and yet, surprisingly, I do crave unstructured human interaction, to a small degree.

Especially at times like this… Life is too hard for us… lol. I stumbled on the ebook this morning: “The Woman Men Adore…and Never Want To Leave”

Continue reading “Good relationship? Relationship mastery for relationship”

Can’t see the forest for the trees? What is astuteness?

Can’t see the forest for the trees? What is astuteness?

Distinction vs examples

One of the reasons you are not as astute in life is because you can’t see the forest for the trees.

You can see the example, but you cannot see the distinction.

But why?

Seeing patterns is a higher function of the brain, and needs to be developed and nurtured. I call this astuteness, or the using the astute capacity.

Continue reading “Can’t see the forest for the trees? What is astuteness?”

Love feedback or else… Make it a feedback loop…

The way to find the strait and narrow of happiness (See The Anna Karenina Principle) is to watch the feedback 1 … and self-correct. 2

Yesterday I added integrity to the starting point measurements. so far all people I measured ranked on 3 out of 100. Wow.

I had an exchange of text messages with a guy, whose vibration was low, and that is all he asked for. His vibration.

He is a Polish person, part of the Starseed Global Alliance to save the earth or something. To me it sounds like a computer game… to him: it is reality. 3 Continue reading “Love feedback or else… Make it a feedback loop…”

Your life story is like a black hole. Your Bach profile

Your life story is like a black hole. Your Bach profile

Your tendency is to remember the story. Not what happened but your story. And to tell the story in a predictable manner… always the same way, always showing you in the same role, the same exact way.

A story is a narrative of reality. It talks from one particular vantage point, and therefore it is distorted. Always. Inherently so.

Your tendency is to remember the story in a way that agrees with your soul correction.

Soul correction, it could be said, is this slant of reality that lets you get away with murder, lies, laziness, blaming, simply said: being less than giving your best.

My story can be summed up with three elements: a hero succeeding in the face of incredible odds, and also complaining: “no matter what I do… I can’t this or that”. And the third: I don’t know if I can trust myself.

Almost succeeding, but never doing things long enough, hard enough, to actually succeed. Why? Because it would kill the story.

Also, I need enemies. I need disease. I need bugs… to fight heroically and almost succeed.
Continue reading “Your life story is like a black hole. Your Bach profile”

Why only 1~2% of participants produce results in a course? Any course… And why you are not among them?

It’s Sunday. I hung up my Sunday Rants call 90 minutes ago. I spent these 90 minutes watching marketing sales videos… as I would like to get better at marketing.

And it suddenly hit me… It hit me why no course, no program, no video course, audio course or group coaching can get much result, my program or others’.

I remember a few years ago when famed marketers, like Frank Kern, approached Tony Robbins to get some coaching on how to make people actually achieve the results they promised them in their sales letters. The meager results were bothering them. No matter how good, how detailed the course was, how much handholding they gave, only a fragment of the participants produced results. Continue reading “Why only 1~2% of participants produce results in a course? Any course… And why you are not among them?”

True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.

Be Better at Life by Thinking of Yourself Less

The power of self-transcendence. In a paradoxical twist, research suggests that the less we think about ourselves, the better we become. Self-transcendence not only allows us to overcome our greatest fears and break through our limits, but it also improves our performance in less heroic, everyday activities.

The measure inside the Starting Point Measurements, the measure that asks to what percent you think of yourself is confusing to most people.

They think that the higher the number is the more selfish they are. Selfish… bad.

They think that they selfishly think of themselves instead of others.

But… here there is a big but, that you won’t like. Why? Because it is counter-cultural. Culture says that you should think about others. You should live for others. You should sacrifice yourself for others… Doesn’t it say that?

But if you think of others: your number will still be high…

Continue reading “True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.”

Building something worth building… A life, a business, a relationship… what is missing?

The more details you can see, accurately, interpret accurately, the higher your vibration, and the more results you can produce. We call this astute, and I haven’t been measuring that as a separate measure…

Now, obviously it takes something to be able to be astute…

Tai Lopez, whose 67 steps product I use to teach with… hell, he is not high vibration. Here are his measurements

1. your vibration (1-1000) 170
2. your overall intelligence, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, body, relationship, etc. 70
3. the number of spiritual capacities you have 5
4. your soul correction (your machine): April 11, 1977 “Building Bridges” 1
5. do you have attachments? no
6. the level of your health (1-100) 10%
Continue reading “Building something worth building… A life, a business, a relationship… what is missing?”

Already too busy? Stressed? Always busy? Always in a hurry? Trying to start a new project?

Stressed? Always busy? Always in a hurry?

These are all signs of you living on the competitive plane, the horizontal, the Valley of the Shadow of Death.

I have a book that I can see from my bed. It is called “The Life You Were Born To Live”

The title immediately creates desire and hurry

But the “You Were Born To Live” creates calmness and a quiet awareness. No hurry. No place to go. Just live.

Two words changed. Continue reading “Already too busy? Stressed? Always busy? Always in a hurry? Trying to start a new project?”

The Secret: Being unstoppable. Going the extra mile. Being willing to do what it takes…

The stuff heroes made of. Not ordinary.

What was in The Secret movie and The Secret book is plain bullshit. Plain and simple.

What we call ordinary is ugly. Being stopped by fear. Being stopped by doubts. Being stopped by laziness. Being stopped by anything.

You get a great idea, or an invitation, and you see that pursuing would take you to a place you’d like to be… but.

That but, that pesky but, is what is between you and becoming a person. And you know it. So you struggle with the shame, and regret… but that is just more of the same.

The only thing that conquers that “but” is action.

But… but you have learned, wrongly, that one action is all it takes to get from where you are to where you want to be.
Continue reading “The Secret: Being unstoppable. Going the extra mile. Being willing to do what it takes…”

Your success depends on seeing seeing cause and effect

Your success depends on seeing seeing cause and effect

A disproportionately large percentage of “knowledge” available on the internet is false.

  • Some of it is intentional propaganda.
  • But most of it is the result of wrong worldview, false beliefs, Tree of Life undigested stuff, accepted as the truth.

So given the amount of crap, it is you who needs to be a “truth seeker”.

Not “The Truth” but truth… Continue reading “Your success depends on seeing seeing cause and effect”