Review: Is Andy Shaw’s book, A Bug Free Mind a fraud? Will you get successful reading it?

bug-free-mindThe original post was written BEFORE I got my copy of The Bug Free Mind book from Andy Shaw. This is the actual review:

I knew it was worth reading, (muscletested it, of course) but I had no idea why. The truth value sounds like not enough, but compared to others’ truth value, it is at least twice, and what may be even more important: it talks about things, it makes you think about things that no one else does… except me.

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Humans are vibrational beings

The internet is full of crap, and the so called gurus talk most of it. All second-hand crap.

This phrase: humans are vibrational beings, on the surface is truth… but if you scratch it, it is unscientific, nonsensical, pretentious, and misleading. And misleading is the main tool of fakes, frauds, and impostors.

In quantum physics, the current state of knowledge in physics, everything depends on the observer: and a “thing” can be physical, or matter, or a wave… depending on the observer’s expectation.

I guess this is the basis of this stupid statement. If you look at yourself as a vibrational being, then you are… now what?
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Raising your vibration… your what? What is vibration?

Raising your vibration… your what? What is vibration?
What is vibration?

As you can see, the word “vibration” needs to be explained if you want to be successful at raising your vibration.

If you want to raise how you feel right now, how other people view you, i.e. raise your vibes, then jumping around, pep-talk, like in the locker room of a football game, affirmations, laughing, is a good method.

It will increase your immediate performance, and if it was an effective method, you can sustain the higher vibes for about an hour or so.
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Many people grieve continuously. What do you grieve for? Is it grief or is it depression?

grieving lossBelieve it or not, grieving 1 is ALWAYS for what could have been. For the loss of a future.

Whether it is in a relationship, or adventure, or riches, or living a fulfilled life. Opportunities missed, a life missed.

If feels like an occasional hiccup like desire to weep, hiccup from a deep sorrow base.
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Do you want to change? Do you want to change your life? Great! Now you can!

do you want to change? Warning: this is a long article! don’t start to read it if you have short attention span.

Do you want to change? Do you want to change your life? Great! Now you can!

Change is the only permanent thing in the Universe

But do you know that there are many kinds of changes, and some are more desirable than others?

This article is about the types of change you will encounter while doing the work to raise your vibration.
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Raise your vibration the easy way, the transformational way

Raise your vibration the easy way, the transformational way

I just read an article that was re-published on 15 thousand sites! obviously, it resonated with people. The article’s title is ’15 things you should give up to be happy’.

Now, I read the article, and I can promise you that it has never changed anyone’s life for the better.

Why? Because giving up is a head-on action, like fixing.

When you face the thing you ‘should’ give up, you are supposed to give up to be happy, the thing is right across your face, occupying your whole mind.
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Push or pull, inspiration, motivation, or ambition?

Push or pull, inspiration, motivation, or ambition?

How-far-can-you-push-a-rope-Bob-BurgAs you know I am dyslexic. Very dyslexic. Reading even my own articles online is nearly impossible.

Today I got an article in an email where Andy of bugfree fame talks about the difference between motivation and inspiration. I could grab a sentence here and there… but I really could not read the article. But it’s been knocking about in my head, and I want to share with you what I experienced, and what opening I see for myself, an opening I have never seen before. I put the whole article in the footnotes… the article I could never read myself… 1

It is related to the “supposed to” article I wrote earlier today, so make sure you read it again.

Here it goes:

You can push someone or you can pull someone. What pushes and what pulls can be created by yourself. By what you want… and yet, when you are pulled, your experience is completely different than when you are pushed.
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The truth, that I found three layers deep, will set you free

get_out_of_jail_freeI am most famous for my ability to distinguish. Distinguishing is a rare capacity, the ability to tell the forest from the tree. It is solidly based on the ability to peel off layers so one can get to the root… and often below the level that used to be considered the root. Layer below layer below layer.

This past week I had the good fortune to go deeper yet again.
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Depressed? Here is how to dig yourself out of depression…

Depressed? Here is how to dig yourself out of depression…

depression talks to youWarning: There is a similarity between grief and depression, similarity of symptoms.

Most people that think they are depressed aren’t… in fact they are grieving… Make sure you read my article on grieving. Thanks.

Imagine if you found out that all your hopes for a “normal” life are crushed. You are too old to get married, your way of communicating doesn’t attract the other sex anyway.

You just found out…
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What is the vibration of money? of abundance?

What is the vibration of money? of abundance?
what is the vibration of money?People want to know the vibration of money… I guess because ‘gurus’ say: get into the vibration of what you want.

Great sentence, except it doesn’t mean anything… and therefore it is impossible to follow.

But if, for a moment, I didn’t mock it, but started to look what it might mean that could be useful is this: although money doesn’t have vibration, it has some rules it follows, it has some strong likes and dislikes. And it is worth knowing those. Worth knowing if you intend to increase the amount of money that flows through you.
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