Nature, Life is on the side of the mites, not humans, not you… Morgellons is killing you

Bhagavad-Gita-Spiritual-QuotesIn our battle with the mites that are living in and on our bodies, we are in a losing streak.

Why would that be? I have now spent hours meditating over that, and this is what I have seen so far:

If Life wants more life, then when taking sides, Life is going the take the side of the opponent that is more interested in more life than the side that is interested in something else…

Life is not personal.

When you are only interested in what is for you, you are not really interested in Life, you are interested in looking good, in feeling good, in what you can get out of something, often at the detriment of Life, and the “other”.
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What is your approach to spirituality? Feminine? Masculine?

masculine-feminine-energies-behaviorThis article is not for everyone. If you haven’t been a seeker, this is not for you. This article is quotes from an email conversation with a client who can’t create a powerful blockage to energetic, malicious, attachments and spells…

What is your approach to spirituality? Feminine and Masculine?

Feminine is: waiting for it to come to you, passive.

Spirituality, access to the beyond, your relationship to life needs to be feminine… an aggressive male approach will take you away from what you are trying to accomplish.

This whole topic came up because a student of mine needs to frequently cloak herself. She also wants to bubble.

Cloaking is very easy, and enough for temporary protection against attachments, but she wants to bubble herself too. Why? I didn’t ask.
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Truths and Lies

What if most of what we hold true, is as faulty as what we are told is true about what causes cancer, why you itch in the nether region of your body, why your eye lashes are falling out, why your nose itches, and why you can’t have a good night’s sleep?

I mean, if would make sense to think that how off THEY are about one thing, is exactly how off THEY are about others, wouldn’t it?

When you go to a doctor, the last answer you’d expect is “I have no idea what you have. I have no idea why you feel so bad…”

If you did, or when you do, you say “This is not a good doctor, let me find a better one!” Right? And you would go from doctor to doctor, but they all learned the same thing, so what one doesn’t know, likely that the rest of them won’t know either!

The only difference between doctors is how well they lie. Some lie better than others. These are the doctors we call “good doctors”.
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Penetrating the mysteries of existence

ayahuasca offered by a "shaman"There are two kinds of thinkings… or really maybe three.

  1. You grab onto something about what you hear or see, attach it to what you already think you know… and then either go deeper, or not, but definitely not go wider. Most people “think” this way.
  2. This is really the third way: no thinking… lol
  3. This is what I want to talk about in this article… holographic thinking. This is an uncommon way of penetrating the mysteries of existence…

Let’s define what we are talking about.
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Self-possessed: the remedy for anxiety and anguish

what is important according to diderotI have no more mites in the house, or on my body… but research and testing must continue… so I decided to see a client again. Body work. A perfect setup for reinfestation.

I could have waited till Tuesday, and get reinfected at the chiropractor, but why waste a perfect weekend… lol.

Now, I don’t want to talk about mites in this article, but I wanted to share the circumstance.
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Republished: Meditation: How To Use It? Instead of just sitting… or waiting for an experience…

meditation Meditation: a very philosophical article. You’ll probably hate it! I wrote it four years ago, and I revisited, by accident, today.

What is meditation and what is the role of meditation?

I will examine this question as a non-meditator who has tried to meditate (TM) and failed.

I am not against meditation. Meditation is a tool, to allow all knowledge to reach you, past the noise, from all there is, distinguished as knowledge beyond your own, and as a tool: it is invaluable.

I have been quasi “meditating” the past day or so… the questions I am meditating over are

  1. whether God is a sentient being
  2. whether the “law” of attraction, the law that says that you can earn something coming to you by adjusting your vibration to its…

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Overconfidence… do you screw up because of it? Or the opposite? lol

rushing to conclusionMy soul correction is “Forget Thyself“.

One aspect of this soul correction is overconfidence. I have to invent tricks to counter it, but, from time to time, it creates hell in my life… like right now.

You know I have been working on this human biting mites, or said in another way: microscopic mites that bite humans, live on and in humans, torture humans; avoid detection, so doctors don’t know about them, blame chemicals, viruses, allergies, infections, etc. to cover up that they have no idea.
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Who you are when no one is looking… Part 2

A few days ago I wrote an article: “Who are you when no one is looking?

I got one brave person to answer the question.

Now, the question wasn’t: How do you feel when no one is looking? It also wasn’t: “How do you behave, what do you do, when no one is looking?”

The question was about beingness. The core. The part that doesn’t change with your moods, with the person you are talking to, with your circumstances.
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The person’s forehead was scared…

I don’t like to be able to see so much… I still scare myself, after so many years.

I am a skeptic. A true scientist. I do what I do, but I observe it with a healthy dose of skepticism, because there is no reason I should know what I know, feel what I feel.

Being an empath is beyond reason. Very uncomfortable for a true scientist.

From time to time I feel stuff that is physical, non-subjective: it either happened or it didn’t. It is either true or it isn’t.

It takes a lot of courage to say it, publicly, where I can be found out as a fraud, a fake, an impostor I whould be, if there were only what is known to science.

Today, while I was pulling the cords, attachments, and bindings 1
Continue reading “The person’s forehead was scared…”

Who are you when no one is looking?

pretending does not correct natureI had a unique glimpse behind the curtain today. I was painted a behind the scenes picture of someone I thought I knew.

On the front, in public, the person is quiet, collected, decent.

Her son reports that

  • she tells everyone in the family who to befriend and who to avoid
  • she tells everyone in the family what they are allowed to talk about and what they should be mum about.
  • she takes tranquilizers and washes them off with alcoholic drinks.

Wow. I never expected to see the ugly side of this person. Of course as an empath I felt her “heart” full of hate, full of pretense, but that is not a fact… and the above are facts.

Disorienting. Disturbing. And probably frequent.
Continue reading “Who are you when no one is looking?”