Can you be with it?
Can you just be… not running away. Not trying to fix it. Not hating it. Just BE. Be there.
Can you have that thing there, threatening as it might be, and just be?
And observe? And do nothing?
None of your buttons pushed, none of your usual anger, or whatever… just silence, just peace, just emergence?
It is the most evolved state. It looks similar to ignorance… like all of Germany ignoring, turning a blind eye to the genocide of undesirables, of which Jews were just one group. Homosexuals, gypsies, communists, or intellectuals that didn’t cooperate…
Ignorance comes from not caring. Ignorance is an animal state. It is the ultimate ‘desire-for-the-self-alone’ because if you didn’t see it you don’t have to do anything, you don’t have to feel anything, including fear, oneness, you can just continue being sheep.
And although it looks to the uninitiated like the same behavior, the ability to be with it, without having to do anything, needing to react, wanting to jump up and kill, being torn by shoulds, and ought tos… it is the highest state, the state of being in total harmony with oneself, the state where the next thing you do will be the perfect thing, that will make sure you are well, that will nurture your Soul, and allow your Ego to be OK with that.
Something like this I went through this morning. I received an email through, a place where you can ask people to petition or to pledge for an issue that is important to you.
The email was about pledging to support legal action against governments, police, etc. in Africa, where every 30 minutes someone, mostly a child, is raped.
It would have been really easy for me to get all upset, hate all males, blah blah blah. Re-live the incidents of my rapes. Or alternatively close the email and mind my own business.
Both would have come from an inability to be still in the presence of something that is highly emotional, that violates my sense of right, my sense of order, my sense of justice.
So, I was just sitting, unblinkingly staring inside myself, waiting for the RESPONSE to emerge, to well up, to express itself, not involving my mind, not involving my ego, not involving morality, looking good, or being righteous… or whatever normally gets involved.
It took about two minutes. I knew what I needed to do. I click on the link, donated my support and my 8 bucks, and I was done.
I did not pledge my life for the issue. I did not give up what I want to do with my life to support little African girls and get killed in the process. I can get killed in the process of doing MY WORK, thank you very much. And yet…
And yet, I took a stand, it took a total of 3 minutes, I didn’t turn a blind eye, I didn’t get upset, I didn’t create drama, I was being with what was uncomfortable to be with, and allowed my deepest Self to give me directions as to what to do.
This, the capacity to be WITH it… is directly connected to the capacity to have, the capacity to allow: the root capacity of becoming a Human Being.
So, what should YOU do now? Well, close your eyes, and breathe. Then read the whole email in the footnotes section of this article, and just stare in front of you, paying attention to the storm that will happen inside you. When the storm simmers down, you’ll know what to do.
Click on the link, or click away: I honor your choice, whatever it is. As long as it’s a choice, not a reaction.