Without integrity nothing works.
What is nothing, and what does it mean “working?”
I will use two examples, both from my own students:
- I sent out an email a few weeks ago offering the HOE long range, my famous Heaven on Earth in an audio format.I had a condition: they needed to share my work with people in their circles. 60 people promised to share. About 10 of those actually shared.
Those people are doing well. The rest of them? The HOE long range isn’t working for them.
What is the connection? Did I jinx the HOE long range?
The connection is your conscience.When you promise something and you don’t keep it, your conscience, maybe your soul, won’t let you enjoy the benefits from what you got in return to the promise.
Sometimes your conscience is so strong, it will make you sick, lose your job, or feel even more miserable than you were before.
Sorry, that is just how it works! No escape… The payback may came delayed, but it will, guaranteed.
- A student sent me an email today:
Hi Sophie,
I would like to know which other teachers/ teachings you recommend.
Thank youI answered it with a question of my own: I would like to know what you want to learn from other teachers…
to which he answered:
I would like to explore more than one avenue of raising my vibration,
and since i’m attracted to low vibration teachers/teachings, i thought it best to ask you.
to answer your question directly, i dont want to learn things, rather have more things i can use that work.thank you
Now, why would this student want to get more solutions? Because what he has is not working for him. But why?
Because he doesn’t, because he won’t do the work HE needs to do.
Transformation is a two-way street, no one can do it to you. Raising your vibration is transformation: no-one and nothing can do the work for you. You have to.
So, as you can see, raising your vibration will depend on your integrity.
Having your hand out waiting for something to come to you that will make you feel better is no integrity. Until you actually start to do the work in earnest, your vibration will stay the same or even go lower…
Now, this sounds like real bad news, doesn’t it?
But if you look again, it is really good news: you just have to restore your integrity, regularly, and everything will start to work.
And when life stops working, you won’t ever have to wonder again, you can just go to work on your integrity, and at some point it will start working again.
Yes, agreed that you suffer – a lack of integrity diminishes one’s listening of you and that party’s experience of the world.
I’d prefer you to say: the integrity nazis don’t know that integrity is an inside job, between you and you.
With you: maybe I didn’t keep my word. but with me: it makes me not whole and complete… so I suffer.
And yet so many default into Intregrity nazis (that’s really unfair to nazis). Nothing is wrong: just unworkable!