The current state of human intelligence… and I mean the overall intelligence, can be easily tracked on detective movies… British ones are more honest than American movies.
As you may know, I like to watch those… I learn from them as much as from any course, while I am entertained as well.
The quality of a person’s life, your life, boils down to actions… and each and every action is a result of a choice.
The accuracy of your actions is a function of how many patterns you recognize accurately in the world.
If nothing changes about you, your future is quite predictable… it is downhill from here…
You need to be exposed to patterns, you need to be explained what you see, and you need to practice seeing the patterns everywhere. That is the process of education; whether it is through school, a course, a program, or a book, that is what education is.
Articles don’t often teach patterns, or they are misleading because they stay on the surface. Even my articles…
There are thousands of patterns that can be, ACCURATELY recognized, leading to good choices.
Most people recognize very few patterns accurately, because they don’t ever learn them.
Arrogance is the sign that you are not willing to learn. That you think what you know is enough to win in life.
The most arrogant people can’t even see that they are arrogant.
Your overall intelligence, your vibration tells me how many, roughly, patterns you can accurately recognize.
Probably less than your parents, and definitely less than your grandparents.
Humanity is growing backwards, and you with it.
The picture is ugly… We are all in this picture, at different places.
Even people with a lot of patterns internalized and integrated into their lives, lack pattern recognition in some areas.
This is why there are so many “stupid” scientists, phD’s, doctors, lawyers…
Distorted Thinking Patterns. Patterns can be internal and external.
People with more patterns mostly err in the internal, mostly. Internal: emotional, relationship, physical, spiritual, moral… It’s hard to learn them in school.
But most of you out there only think you are erring on the internal… i.e. wrong beliefs.
If you acted on the opposite of your wrong belief, you would find out, really fast, that the “wrong belief” is there to keep you safe from finding out that you are engaging in pipe dreams, that life is a lot of work, a lot of learning, and that you are, sorry to break it to you, not worth a damn.
The Neuroscience of Changing Toxic Thinking Patterns –The question is: can you start all over? Can you start with a fresh slate, no matter how old you are, and start learning the many patterns inside which life plays out?
A year ago I would have said: I don’t think so.
But since then I am inclined to say: maybe.
I already had a lot of patterns under my belt. Master’s degrees in architecture and structural engineering. Seven languages taken to a level of fluidity: some to the level of being able to make a living with it.
Establishing myself in different countries… professionally and personally.
One credit short of an MBA…
Several successful businesses. Math and computer whiz… Read many thousands of books in three languages.
Thousands of hours of training in several disciplines, each. All made easy by Pattern Thinking
And yet… When in February, nine months ago, I embarked on a pattern-learning journey with the 67 steps coaching… I surprised myself.
I learned HUNDREDS of patterns, and I have increased my effectiveness in life by 20%. My inner world by 40%. My health by 200%. That is tripling it. My happiness and fulfillment level by 70%.
Can you expect the same results? I believe you can… of course the more willing (willing is the opposite of resistant!) you are to engage with the material, the more results you’ll get.
Is it worth it? You are the judge.
If you are happy the way you are, inside and outside, your life is, then probably you’ll be best not doing it. Just consider that your happiness could be based on a pattern… 1
If, on the other hand, you could bear with a 20-30% increase a year…
If you are even remotely considering “going back to school”, your first step is to get your starting measurements, finding out where you are…
It’s mandatory. I need to decide if you are a good candidate for the program or not. If I am willing to expand my energy to work with you.
I’ll be honest. If I can’t see that you’ll take instruction, I won’t take you on. I have made mistakes before… and I learned new patterns to recognize… so I trust myself more today than a few months ago. I am sure there are more patterns that I don’t know about… but such is life.
OK: your combo or starting measurements
So does your intelligence, and your health number.The soul correction shows what you are most intent on hiding from yourself. The “evil” in you… the desire to receive for the self alone. Specifically.
The number of spiritual capacities are the ones that you are willing and able to use on this level of vibration.
2. your overall intelligence, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, body, relationship, etc.
3. the number of spiritual capacities you have
4. your soul correction (your machine):
5. do you have attachments?
6. the level of your health (1-100)
7. the level of your cell hydration (1-100)
8. your relationship to feedback and instruction:
9. The level of discomfort you are willing to allow w/o trying to fix it. This is your TLB score…
10. The size of your vocabulary: the number of words you can use accurately:
11. To what degree you think of yourself:
12. RecommendationsClick on the Buy Now button to send me a donation of $15 to get your starting point measurements. I’ll let you know in my email response, if you could ask for a comprehensive health evaluation, OK?