As I unlock more and more abilities for people, as more and more abilities get activated, I am starting to see something new emerge.
When one ability is suddenly available, like The Sight, other abilities that were already there can now be expressed.
Expression is the technical term for DNA capacities… The DNA is there, but it is not expressed.
It’s a lot like this: to assemble a piece of furniture, you need tools and not just one tool.
Even if just one tool missing, you’ll have pieces, pieces of wood, screws, some plastic parts… but not a shelf, a desk, or a cradle.
Same it is with skills and same it is with abilities. You have disconnected and thus not very useful abilities that unless the ‘master capacity’ is activated, are not able to shine.
- One of my students is in this exact predicament… He has an ability to make people laugh, to be entertaining and colorful. He also has the ability to help people to be more colorful… honestly, most people lack any color, any personality… they are simply boring.
But until now he didn’t see that all that can be his path… Something clicked for him recently… and now he is able to put together the ‘furniture’… the missing tool is now present.
Once, this missing tool (capacity) is provided, you can start blossoming… Interestingly unless someone can see the big picture, you don’t know what happened, unless you yourself can see the big picture, and, of course that is yet another DNA capacity.
But you can now start being able to put your life together… and with some coaching you can build it bigger and better.
- Another student was born in Russia to a domineering and very religious mother. To get away from her she married to a fundamental Christian, bore him two children.
Then she happened upon my work.
She is in an environment that doesn’t support human growth: an environment that cherishes slavery: slavery to church, slavery to husbands.
Restrictions galore. And yet, she grows faster than any other student of mine.
Why? She has her freedom more restricted than is “normal” so her desire to be free is consequently bigger. She never bought into the slavery concept, she just went along with it, to survive.
Once she found tools to free herself from oppression, she started to use them.
And she went for it… she found that she had talent for massage… she found a massage school 100 miles from home. She camped, she stayed with cat-filled (and litter box filled) stinky houses, but she got her license.
She home schooled her kids in spite of lacking support, and maybe even lacked the knowledge she taught.
She eagerly jumped on every challenge I provide her, and she grows grows grows.
Trusting herself was one of her missing abilities… she was still asking me to muscletest a lot of her decisions. And then… drumroll… when she got The Sight activated… her self-trust suddenly came out: it became available. Self-trust relies on The Sight to see the consequences of her actions, and see if she can handle it, see if she wants to go there… or not.
Makes no sense, right? Self-trust was there but not used, especially in relationships and human interactions.
She wrote me a long email: all suggestions how I can serve my ‘crowd’ better… all valuable suggestions. I love them, and I’ll be able to implement a lot of them, maybe all.
The suggestions came from ‘The Sight’ supported by the self-trust, to trust that communicating them is safe, and whatever I’ll say: she can handle it.
That ability that: whatever will happen, I can handle it, is what self-trust is. Of course, saying ‘I can handle it’ willy nilly is stupid. Seeing that you can trust yourself, because you can… because you’ve proven to yourself that you can do what needs to get done, that you can keep your cool, that you can be well in harsh situations… And she has proven it to herself (and to me.)
It is missing in more people than maybe any other ability.
You have, mostly, proven to yourself, that you cannot handle it, that you’ll fall apart, or your word means nothing. I still remember when I thought that…
And although I can activate, I can unlock the ability, it will be useless until you start to build some proof, a foundation for trust, between you and you.
What gives you your actions is what you see AND how you interpret them
Your actions will be in a perfect ‘dance’ with what you see. Like seeing is the music, and you’ll dance with the music… not just move about randomly.
The problem is that you are unconscious of what you see. What you see is NOT what you think. What you see is what you see… but because you have moved deep into your mind, you haven’t been seeing what you see… you have resorted to thinking.
And this is where the memes, the thoughtforms that we can screen out with the Amish Horse Training Method, in the mind is where they take over…
Until you can disengage, and discount the memes that are displacing seeing, your life can’t change, or at least not in the direction you’d want it to change. It WILL get worse. A lot worse.
So this is why the first thing I recommend to do is the Amish Horse Training Method. It sound deceptively easy. But it isn’t that easy…
Now, word to the wise: engaging with the memes, the voices, is stupid.
You can only lose. When you engage with anything, you are on their schedule, on their agenda. That includes the voices in your head, that feel like you speaking. It is not you, you wouldn’t say such stupid things… if you really think about it, would you?
So, the job is not to argue with the voices. The job is consider yourself Cinderella whose job is to separate the wheat from the chaff… What belongs to you and what only sounds like it belongs to you.
Awareness. Self awareness. Eventually you’ll be able to tell what is you, and what is a meme, even if it uses your own voice in your head.
I have a few friends who not only hear stuff in their heads they gleaned from the conspiracy theories that were invented to take over your mind, but they repeat them… as the truth. And they live like that is the truth…
It takes intelligence and awareness to tell truth from fiction… If you have it then with practice you’ll be able to tell the voices from yourself…
Or not… if you don’t practice it. 99% of you will do it for a day and then quit. Why? Because it is not titillating, the results won’t come instantly, but eventually. And you don’t have time for that, you say.
Stupid as the stupid does.
If you continue doing what never worked, because the little voice is promising you an easy life, instant success, then you are the stupid who does stupid things…
Instead of going back to the rare times when you actually did something that made life better… and start doing that again.
This is what I have been doing the past few weeks.
I asked the question: What do I know to do that produced good, maybe even excellent results before, but I stopped doing that?
I have found, thus far, two things, one in the area of health, the other in the area of business.
Back in 2003 when I moved to this apartment, I invented a rule for myself: no eating until I do my exercise. It worked, and I stuck with it for about five-six years… then for some reason, I stopped.
So about two weeks ago I noticed that when I eat before my daily walk, two things will happen: 1. I am sluggish, I have no energy. 2. I forget about my exercise.
So I committed to the ‘old’ rule, and it’s working…
And the business one: back in 2010 I had the good idea to write about methodologies, books, gurus, and muscletest their vibration, etc. It single handedly put me in business.
So I have decided to do it again. Publish new vibrational reviews… Just for the heck of it.
So what would be the best I can offer at this juncture?
I am holding a workshop in 8 days, Saturday, June 5 at 2 pm, my time (EDT, New York time) where we work on the context inside which you don’t grow. Inside which you remain the same. And attempt to create a new context, a purpose… so you can start growing. Most of you have aspirations, but something you decided at age 3 is stopping you: a context that feels like the truth to you.
Being stuck is horrible…
So if you want to get unstuck, a new context created scientifically can do that for you.