Why can a doer teach you what they do but not their results?
Said in another way: if you do exactly, all the moves of what another does: will you get the same result?
And can another’s principle, credo create the same for you as it has created for them?
if you repeat the words of another’s credo, they are just words, and you are lying through your teeth.
Like causes cause like effects, is Nature’s base law.
But there must be something wrong if and when the answer to the question in the title happens to be ‘no’ which is often the case.
Here is another related question: if someone with a vibration of 300, (i.e. T. Harv Eker or me) does something… why can’t you do the same thing and get the same result?
The answer, as usual, lies in the invisible, the hidden world that you so merrily skip looking for or looking at.
I have been repeating ‘context is decisive’ forever, without every causing a ripple in your behavior or way of thinking. You are not getting it.
But I understand. When I first did a Landmark Education program, 37 years ago, I had a winning streak for about a month. During that month anything I touched turn into gold.
Of course, like you, I looked at the doing. I even looked at the how: How I did what I did… and yet, after a month I stopped producing results. Actually I was moving backwards.
The cause was hidden from my view. Two years later I got lucky and did the same course, and got a glimpse of what I’d missed: Who I was changed in that course. How I viewed myself, how I viewed the events in my past changed dramatically. For a while, at least. As long as I authentically looked at things that same way.
How you look at things is what we call attitude. I also call it context… And context is decisive
But as soon as I was looking differently, my results dramatically changed.
Everyone has a baseline attitude, I call it default. Just like in physics, Newton’s law: without something effecting it, things will always move in a predictable direction, including the attitude.
People instinctively know this, this is why memes, quotes are so popular.
There is only one big problem is: Truth repeated is a lie… and repeating someone else’s truth won’t become your truth, and therefore it becomes a pretense.
They say fake it till you make it, and it is a disservice: you will not make it, you’ll be just a miserable pretending person.
The way to alter your attitude is a process, not an event.
And it’s not easy: you will have to rebuild your own trust in your own self… and you have lost that long time ago.
So we could say: it’s a long process, but it’s worth it.
If you don’t start today, ten years from now you’ll be at the same place where you are now… covering up the emptiness… What a waste!
A student of mine recently asked how to become confident. That can also be a question to ‘how do you start trusting yourself?’
The process is the same. You start acting in a way that builds trust. Start to increase your level of integrity.
This reminds me of the process how to build a credit line… how to get from nothing to having any bank lend you money… It’s a process. You borrow, and you pay it back. Then you borrow again and you pay it back again. Early, even.
Eventually you’ll have built enough trust so you can ask for near anything.
That is the same exact process as building trust, or building confidence.
Once you trust yourself, you can create most any attitude, and it will stick.
Now, how can I help you? Because left to your own devices, you are a lying cheating little creep… don’t be offended, you already knew that!
You need support. Frequent ruthless compassion.
That is what I offer in my Reclaim program. It’s not a group thing: it is individual. It is not me talking, it is you listening to audios, getting wet and writing, and me giving you little nudges. That is how it works. Brilliantly.
It is what was missing in Landmark Education… It is what makes the difference between flash in the pan, campaigns and a life worth living.