You want to raise your vibration? Don’t know how to do it?
I talk to at least ten of you, readers, every day, through email. The question is always: but what do I do to raise my vibration?
The answer, when I give it to most of you, goes right over your head. We are like two trains passing each other in the night… I am not getting through to most you and therefore I can’t make a difference for you. But why is that?
This is what this article is about… so read it, and read it a few times, until it’s crystal clear.
When you pay, you pay attention. The more you pay the more attention you pay.
I attended a webinar yesterday, hoping to learn how to increase my income so I can live, pay my bills, and such.
The guy, the presenter said the first sentence. I added the second.
The money making program the guy was selling was selling for $2,000.
His program has had a lot of success, but not as much as that much money would guarantee, because a lot of people still had jobs, credit cards, and for them $2,000 wasn’t that much money. A lot of people keep a lot of “gurus” in silks and rolls royces.
If I wanted to buy it, I would have to skip food for 10 months… but by then I’d be dead… lol. Like in the joke: the gypsy is training his horse to live on water and air… but by the time the horse gets really good at it, it dies…
So it made me think: I work, on average, for $7.50 an hour, seven days a week, about 10-12 hours a day.
So, how would I give myself a raise and at the same time make you pay attention?
My muscletesting course is $69… others teach something much less substantial on the topic, and sell it for $250.
My self-healing course is $35: others sell a course like this for $200.
I want a lot of your attention, and I ask you to pay little money. Maybe I should make you pay more?
But even if you gave me a lot of attention, something is in the way?
Your vibration is low
At this point we have identified three “paradigms” where you leak your energy, and keep your vibration and thus your experience of life low.
- your mind bugs… my articles, the recommended reading, Creating a bug free mind, your soul correction should start working those bugs out.
- you have attachments… most of you that come to this site. It is hard to be high vibration when you walk around with leaks, and chains to tether you to a cellar
- you have mites… most of you have mites. Luckily only some of you have the really nasty ones, but believe me, if you cannot concentrate, if you cannot stay calm because something is itching someplace, it is hard to have high vibration. I myself struggle with that, so I know.
I won’t even talk about your unhealthy habits in the area of eating, sleeping, sex, work, etc. You can’t change those and raise your vibration!
A gardening example again: If you had a rose bush covered with blood sucking mites, suffocating with vines of some invasive weed, would you give it fertilizer, of would you endeavor to kill the mites and remove the vine?
When you try to change your diet, or get a new boy friend, a new job, more money, it’s like you have chosen to give the dying plant fertilizer. Dumb of you, but that is what you’ve been doing… now don’t lie to me. I have been observing you.
Before you do anything of the sort, get clear about your present state, and ask me to remove your attachments, teach you to get rid of the mites (a work in progress!) and diligently study yourself while you get focus from the Bug Free book.
There is no other way to wellness and high vibration.
Get rid of what is keeping you down, will you?
So here is the list again:
- Find out what is so about the attachments and the mites… do you have them?
Get rid of your mind bugs… my articles, the recommended reading, Creating a bug free mind, your soul correction should start working those bugs out. Get the mindbug book, or at least read my articles as if they were lessons…
- If you have attachments… most of you that come to this site have them. It is hard to be high vibration when you walk around with leaks, and chains to tether you to a cellar… If you have attachments, pay me to have them removed… I’ll give you the payment link in the Attachment Check email…
- If you have mites… most of you have mites. Luckily only some of you have the really nasty ones, but believe me, if you cannot concentrate, if you cannot stay calm because something is itching someplace, it is hard to have high vibration. I myself struggle with that, so I know. When you ask for the mite check, I tell you in the email if you have any…
And, of course, you can learn muscletesting while connected to source, and answer your own questions.
When you find yourself in a deep well, or a deep ditch, your first step is ALWAYS to come out of the ditch! Or quicksand… which is a very apt example… flailing will kill you!
Quicksand – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Quicksand is a colloid hydrogel consisting of fine granular material (such as sand … When water in the sand cannot escape, it creates a liquefied soil that loses …