Soul Correction: Building Bridges Updated

Building Bridges

Update 4/4/17: New insight: Building Bridges (BB) is quite slothful by nature… I am changing the picture to an actual bridge… because it is a more apt illustration: you want to get to the other side, and you need to do a ton of work to get there… and you have no skills… but to build skills you also have to build a bridge between the thought and the action that builds skills… So most Building Bridges never actually do anything. The only BB I have ever seen do something is a guy who has undertook reading… and following that method, he is now adding skills to his toolbox. He may amount to much.

So what is the trick?

I recommended that he starts reading not worrying if he understands, or if he enjoys it. He trusted me and started to read that way. After a while comprehension imperceptibly grew, and now he enjoys reading.

Once a BB experiences how learning a skill works, they grow wings.

It takes a lot of skills to build a bridge, but each bridge is the same: you have to start with no visible results plus faith. Faith that the investment will work out, even though they can’t see it.

Without this a BB will just live randomly, thrown about like a dry leaf, never amounting to anything.

build-bridges-between-dream-and-actionBuilding Bridges

Update 7/10/16: New insight: Building Bridges needs to build a bridge between their talking and their doing. They talk a good talk, but do nothing… literally not a thing, except rarely. All unevolved Build a Bridge people are underachievers .

The spiritual/intangible capacity missing is “mental representation” which is knowing how to do it. Then the doing is easy for them.

Update 4/3/16: Another piece of the puzzle: these people are the “untapped potential“… none of the Building Bridges people ever amount to much, because they are scared or too stingy to take the crucial step…

Update 1/4/16: Working with a Building Bridges person, I suddenly had an insight: the core issue of this person, of this soul correction is seeing the world as either your or me, either them or me.

The original stingy… impossible for the person to see, because that is the “truth”. Every action is coming from that “truth”.

Important to see that they live with a spouse who they believe are below them… to whom they feel superior… a delusion. But for their delusional self it is important to feel above, better, superior.

It is always about that… you are either my soul mate, or go to hell. You either support me or go to hell. You are either with me or against me… Stalin, the Russian dictator… result: more Russians dead than in the two world wars together.

What is the DNA capacity that is missing? Generosity, or course. Generosity as a capacity is all about that: and… instead of or…

Update: While I was activating Appreciation, the DNA capacity to see value, this is what I saw:

Building Bridges is the soul correction of the person who think themselves an island.

Separate from the Light, separate from others, and separate from themselves.

They have an excellent vocabulary and style to cover it up, but I am not buying it.

with that said: they only see value that they made up, or what supports what they made up.

Activating the DNA, appreciation, is going to rattle you, because seeing value will either be impossible, or start to perform your soul correction… quite an upset of the established worldview.

Update 1/4/16: Working with a Building Bridges person, I suddenly had an insight: the core issue of this person, of this soul correction is seeing the world as either your or me, either them or me.

The original stingy… impossible for the person to see, because that is the “truth”. Every action is coming from that “truth”.

It is always about that… you are either my soul mate, or go to hell. You either support me or go to hell. You are either with me or against me… Stalin, the Russian dictator… result: more Russians dead than in the two world wars together.

What is the DNA capacity that is missing? Generosity, or course. Generosity as a capacity is all about that: and… instead of or…

Update: While I was activating Appreciation, the DNA capacity to see value, this is what I saw:

Building Bridges is the soul correction of the person who think themselves an island.

Separate from the Light, separate from others, and separate from themselves.

They have an excellent vocabulary and style to cover it up, but I am not buying it.

with that said: they only see value that they made up, or what supports what they made up.

Activating the DNA, appreciation, is going to rattle you, because seeing value will either be impossible, or start to perform your soul correction… quite an upset of the established worldview.

When your prayers go unanswered, when there is more darkness than Light in your life, when confusion reigns over order, there is one reason: You have severed your connection to the Original Design, with the Light, the Creator aspect of you.

You need to remove the elements that separate you, greed, desire to receive for the self alone, wanting to be right, looking good, etc… all the horizontal aspirations need to be pulled back and reduced, so you can start connecting to the part of you, the vertical part, where all the Light comes from.

At the same time, you must repair some of the relationships in your life, restore integrity, and start looking at your actions from the point of view of the other.

You cannot obtain one without the other

And I am adding this in May, 2012: you need to build a bridge to your Self… to your own silence, to your own core. That is what I suggest you start with. You like to live on the surface, consider yourself a connector, but you ignore or neglect your own depths…

In that space serious illnesses can be born, serious unhappiness.

Author: Sophie Benshitta Maven

True empath, award winning architect, magazine publisher, transformational and spiritual coach and teacher, self declared Avatar

4 thoughts on “Soul Correction: Building Bridges Updated”

  1. OK you said my soul correction was jealousy – it then begs the question: How can I use this information to correct my path/life/soul?

  2. Jealousy and hatred are a team. Jealousy is desire-for-the-self-alone.
    There is no love in jealousy. There is no light, whatsoever. Jealousy is only interested in the domination and the restriction of the other. It is not even interested in getting, keeping, or using the seeming object of the jealousy: person, or stuff.
    Jealousy is intent on destroying another person’s freedom to be, freedom to live at their own terms.
    We could say that you can’t get out of jealousy until you actually start to desire something for yourself. When you can start keeping your attention on what you want to get, accomplish, enjoy, then you will stop worrying of what other people have, and attend to yourself: and maybe start working for what you desire.
    Until then you will only feel better about life if you destroy life.

    The first step is to notice this everywhere, and the second is to pick something to desire. It has to be something no one has claims on. It can use nothing of another’s energy, talent, or skill. It needs to be desire that doesn’t short anyone, including the environment and society.

    You have your job cut out for you.

  3. In order to do this soul correction with foe, you need to enter the one higher paradigm where you don’t look at personalities, instead you look at the backdrop.

    I’ll explain in detail in an upcoming post.

    But in the meantime you need to pull the power back from that “screwy” relationship, take responsibility for what you can, to shift the context in which you hold the relationship.

  4. Does this include relationship with people that have not treated us right? Like someone that treats us with disrespect? It may be a dumb question but you did say friend and foe. Thanks

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