Will you allow the learning to change who you are?

Will you allow the learning to change who you are?

This is NOT a funny article… And actually I struggled mightily writing it… because it talks about something I have never been able to teach… Your beingness.

I am reading a book for the third time in a month. And I will read it again and again until I become who I want to become.

Some people read the words in a book. I read the spirit. I align my whole inside with it… if it is worth it.

And if it is worth it: it won’t happen at the first reading, the second reading, and probably NOT at the third reading either. So I read it until it happens.

The two reasons to read it are:

  • 1. to allow the material to change you, to change who you are
  • 2. all the other reasons people read for…

Continue reading “Will you allow the learning to change who you are?”

Your physiology and psychology work hand in hand

Your physiology and psychology work hand in hand

co-creationYour physiology and psychology work hand in hand… And how can meditation work for you… finally

In some regards I am still a Twitchy Little Bastard… even though outwardly my behavior has calmed down a lot.

What am I talking about?

A Twitchy Little Bastard is someone who acts without regard to the future, without considering if the action is sustainable or not. 1

I am looking at this phenomenon from a different vantage point: your quick to react, your high-sprung state.

I am looking to prove to you that your physiology and your psychology, your body and your mind are intimately connected.

That you calm down one and the other calms down too. Continue reading “Your physiology and psychology work hand in hand”