Dr. Margaret Paul, www.innerbonding.com, lucky mojo, www.luckymojo.com, Catherine Yronwode, Cat Yronwode, Sandra Bsikind, Daniel Biskind, www.thebiskinds.com, Dianne Eble, www.dianeeble.com, Kris Cahill, www.kriscahill.com
- Dr. Margaret Paul (innerbonding.com). She specializes in innerchild and loving yourself.
Margaret Paul: personal vibration: 200. Inner state: extreme unease, can barely breathe. anxiety and fear. Does her method work? 0.5%
- Lucky Mojo organization (luckymojo.com). They have several practitioners who do spells, readings, hoodoo oils, powder, candle lighting etc etc. Catherine Yronwode is the founder.
Catherine Yronwode: personal vibration: 180
I don’t know anything about spells, but I can tell you, doing spells is very low vibration. (40) the level of desperation - Sandra and Daniel Biskind ( thebiskinds.com). They are healers, trainers, and do enlightenment works. I used Sandra once and she is very expensive, around $500 for the session.
Sandra Biskind: Personal vibration: 110. anxiety, malaise
Daniel Biskind: Personal vibration: 90, lives entirely in his head - Dianne Eble (dianeeble.com). She is a certified healing codes practitioner.
Dianne Eble: personal vibration: 90 (normally 110) but always miserable - Kris Cahill (kriscahill.com). She is a clairvoyant and energy reader.
Kris Cahill: personal vibration: 170. barely breathing, forced calm, inner uncomfortable pressure and burning.
Who you approach says a lot about you. You are looking for modalities and practitioners that resonate with you… so I can find a lot of you in your “healers” and such.