What is the connection between consciousness and vibration?

What is the connection between consciousness and vibration?

There is consciousness and then there is Consciousness.

The two aren’t the same… and it can be confusing.

The one with the lower case ‘c’ is a technical term. Technical from inside the brain. It says: the gray matter of the brain is processing… and generating heat. I write about it in another article, and the concept comes from computing, and I learned about it in this book

The one with the upper case ‘c’, Consciousness would be better called ‘The Witness’, or ‘The Observer’. Continue reading “What is the connection between consciousness and vibration?”

Feel your way out of the Matrix, out of the limbo

Feel your way out of the Matrix, out of the limbo

When I say ‘feeling’, I often include the other perception organs…

The most obviously not ‘mind’ feeling is the physical sensation of pressure, heat, blockage, itches, tickles, nausea, headaches, pain, burning sensation, orgasm, warmth, butterflies in your stomach. When I say ‘feeling’, I don’t mean emotion, even though emotions have feeling-components. For example all 48 Bach Feelings feel in a certain way in a certain part of the body.

But what I mean: the uninterpreted raw sensation, that either comes from the outside or from the body itself. Continue reading “Feel your way out of the Matrix, out of the limbo”