Everyone wants abundance, but what does abundance mean?

Everyone wants abundance, but what does abundance mean?

I was a pack rat most of my life. It’s not a pretty way to be, not a good match to ‘high vibration’ but it was a fact… I was a pack rat.

I had a really difficult time to throw anything away, be it a box, a plastic bag, a newsletter, a piece of clothing… So my apartment is still filled to the brim with stuff I don’t use, and will never use.

When I want to clean my closets, I learned that my slogan needs to be: have I worn this in the past year? and if not, give it away or throw it away. But it is hard to throw away stuff. I spent good money to buy it.

I have tons of clothes, some expensive. Clothes I’ve never worn. Continue reading “Everyone wants abundance, but what does abundance mean?”

In life you get what you negotiate… or win…

In life you get what you negotiate… or win…

In life you get what you negotiate. Not what you need. Not what you want. But what you successfully negotiate.

Some truths pop out when you least expect them.

None of my students know how to negotiate. My students are a microcosm… A mirror of the whole damn world. Continue reading “In life you get what you negotiate… or win…”

I just realized that I am now working on my next assignment.

I just realized that I am now working on my next assignment.

The original assignment is complete.

I have mapped out the human condition that prevents humans to attain the highest level of evolutionary level: human being.

And the next assignment is how to make evolving tastier, more inviting, more valuable to humans, so they actually do what it takes to get to the next and highest level. Continue reading “I just realized that I am now working on my next assignment.”

You could get better… but you just don’t want to get better

You could get better… but you just don’t want to get better

Yesterday I had a session of the Playground.

The Playground has been my favorite program where I attempted to take people from wherever they were to Heaven’s gate… and maybe beyond.

It’s main principle is that you made up stuff at an early in life incident, stuff about yourself, about people, about life, about what you need… and what you didn’t get.

You called that wrong… and you have been trying to fix it all your life. So your life is still about that thing. That injustice, that unfairness, that thing that happened to you, that was done to you, that was wrong.

So this last Playground has been going on for almost two years. Continue reading “You could get better… but you just don’t want to get better”

The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth

The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth

The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that, you're in control of your life. If you don't, life controls you.I made an alarming observation yesterday at my monthly PlaygroundPlayground session. Every single person in the program has a version of ‘I only want to do what I want to do, and none of the things I am supposed to do‘.

Of course there is a gradation… gradients… some are less unwilling than others.

Chances are I didn’t get all ‘special’ people into my programs, so it seems that this is part of the human condition now: people don’t want to do what they need to do, what they ought to do to be well, to be valuable, to be happy, fulfilled.

Some of the services I provide is muscletesting supplement list, food list, eating style, and health measurements. Continue reading “The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth”