The Inner Authority that you don’t have but could…

The Inner Authority that you don’t have but could…

inner authorityIt’s been stormy here. Lots of rain. The other night a warning went out: a tornado was poised to touch down in Central New York: not a tornado area.


Nothing is wrong: as long as reality works the way reality works, all is well… even if it rains on your parade, even if you hate doing your morning walk trudging through mud, even if you are not prepared like I wasn’t. Continue reading “The Inner Authority that you don’t have but could…”

Does everybody really count, or is that a seductive slogan?

Does everybody really count, or is that a seductive slogan?

change is the result of true learningEither everybody counts or nobody counts… this is the principle that makes Michael Connelly’s books so dear to me. Obviously, to me, that labels me as a commie, a Democrat, a lefty… but I really don’t care… It’s your issue, not mine. My job is to be true to my principles.

I like crime novels. Most of them are clean and most of them go into the details that allow me to be forced to ride on the surface, to turn the page too eagerly, but stay on the page I am on: savoring it. Rare to find books like that.

No FOMO, I am where I am supposed to be. No desire to be anywhere else, doing anything other than what I am doing.

Priceless. Continue reading “Does everybody really count, or is that a seductive slogan?”

Can you trust yourself? No, not yet… You need…

Can you trust yourself? No, not yet… You need…

Can you trust yourself? No, not yet… You need a Paradigm Shift: Own what owns you

I get affirmation from wherever, when I am on the right path… here it goes: I just finished this article, and here is my Rob Brezsny horoscope…

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Burrow down as deep as you dare, Virgo. Give yourself pep talks as you descend toward the gritty core of every matter. Feel your way into the underground, where the roots meet the foundations. It’s time for you to explore the mysteries that are usually beneath your conscious awareness. You have a mandate to reacquaint yourself with where you came from and how you got to where you are now.

Make it yours… if you have the courage… So you can become free. The process is more intricate than Rob Brezsny indicates, but it is also more rewarding.

OK, onto the actual article…

I have this very interesting and troubling insight:

People want to learn to act from their inner authority without ever finding out the bad news about themselves:

…who they have been being, that “told” them to do all the things that made their lives not work, or not work as well as it could. Continue reading “Can you trust yourself? No, not yet… You need…”