If you don’t know what you want you end up with…

If you don’t know what you want you end up with…

One of the things people have a difficulty with, in my experience, is creating a vision for their lives.

When I ask what they want, what they are up to, they draw a blank.

And even when and if they have some answer, it is not something that even if they got it, would make them happy, fulfilled, joyful, connected, loved, etc.

Every aspect of you has a different ‘agenda’…

  • The Selfish Gene
  • The ego
  • the soul/spirit or whatever you want to call it, the high minded aspect of you
  • the body
  • the mind
  • the Witness/Consciousness

these all want something different… and you, who you consider yourself to be: you are like the person in the middle of the ball game where the ball is thrown in a circle, past you… and you are always left without a ball. Continue reading “If you don’t know what you want you end up with…”

How do you know what you are afraid of? Why you are afraid

How do you know what you are afraid of? Why you are afraid

what are you afraid of?How do you know what you are afraid of? Why you are afraid… even when you have no reason to be.

It was 1991. Georgia… some miles from Atlanta, in a hunting lodge. November. Communication Commando Course.

Just the name was enough to put the fear of god in me. But then they ushered me in this little room where I needed to answer some questions about myself, name, age, where I live, who I live with… in front of a camera.

Now, by that time I had been on television twice, seen and recognized by millions of people. And yet, I was terrified.

What was I afraid of?

This is what this article is about… what is it that you are afraid of, that you cannot tell what it is, but it is as real as that if they keep you underwater long enough, you’ll be dead. Dead dead…. Continue reading “How do you know what you are afraid of? Why you are afraid”