The fastest new way to have energized (coherent) water 24/7

The fastest new way to have energized (coherent) water 24/7
water-setup for entrainment methodThe fastest new way to have energized (coherent) water 24/7

It is new to you. I have been using it without any change for years now…

I’ll share with you how I am having fresh coherent water without ever using the energizer audio or manually charging my water.

I use the phenomenon called entrainment.

In entrainment, coherent water will bring up the water touching it, or close enough, so eventually it will become coherent too.

The component are:

  • enclosed smaller bottles of water where the enclosed water is coherent
  • a larger container with the smaller bottles and topped off with energizable water. Water needs to be free from dissolved chemicals to be coherent. Most commercial filters leach chemicals into the water, making them not energizable.

The proportion of the energized water and not-energized water matters a lot. Continue reading “The fastest new way to have energized (coherent) water 24/7”

What’s your Silver bullet? A magic solution? Killer of evil?

What’s your Silver bullet? A magic solution? Killer of evil?

Silver bullet

What does the silver bullet do?

It cuts through everything.

In folklore, a bullet cast from silver is often the only weapon that is effective against a werewolf, a witch, or other monsters.

The term is also a metaphor for a simple, seemingly magical, solution to a difficult problem: for example, penicillin was a silver bullet that cured many bacterial infections. Continue reading “What’s your Silver bullet? A magic solution? Killer of evil?”