Is it a good idea to consider our times wartime and yourself the hunted?

Is it a good idea to consider our times wartime and yourself the hunted?

consider our times wartimeIs it a good idea to consider our times wartime?1

I am not sure… but my gut feeling says: Yes. I ask Source, and it says: Yes.

Why would it be a good idea to consider our times wartime?

Let me count the reasons…

1. In wartime people’s good side and people’s dark side come out to the open… past the forces that manage to keep them hidden in peace time.

So in war time it is easier to know who to trust and who not to.

It is also easier to see your own dark side and if you don’t like it do something about it.

If you are a putz… it is easier to say: being a putz will get me killed… let me put my ass in gear… Continue reading “Is it a good idea to consider our times wartime and yourself the hunted?”