Do your own thinking… but how?

stampede_african_cape_buffalo_herdYou need to do your own thinking. Why? 1 Because that is what it means to be human. Don’t know how? You are not alone. Schools don’t teach thinking, because it cannot be standardized, and because a thinker cannot be controlled as sheep.

Here are some methods of thinking, in bold strokes:

  1. One would think that if you sit by yourself and use the mind to reshuffle all the information you have consciously or unconsciously gathered, then you can do effective thinking, an maybe some people can, although the methods of doing this kind of thinking require a lot of writing.
    Continue reading “Do your own thinking… but how?”

Vibrational Review: Geniuxole System. Get smarter…

Vibrational Review: Geniuxole System. Get smarter…
what is your real iq?Geniuxole System

People are looking for ways to become smarter. And you should… I mean you should become smarter.

There is one major issue and that is: where do you think smarts lives?

We have spoken of this before, but let me repeat it for those that are new: Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Geniuxole System. Get smarter…”

Vibrational Review: Caroline Cory, Updated

Originally published December 12, 2011. I looked at it again, because Caroline Cory is presenting a multimedia event tonight… in NYC of all places. Reading her article on how to raise your vibration by connecting to Source made me puke…

So I retested her… and here is the original article, I only changed the vibrational numbers.

caroline cory and omnium universe Raise your Vibration by Connecting to Source Video

Raise your Vibration by Connecting to Source Video – Connecting To Source Meditation with Caroline Cory, This unique “Connection To Source” allows you to spontaneously raise your vibration, merge with yours
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Shall I sign up to the Preventative Healthcare Grid?

Sophie –

Stacey Mayo just set up a Preventative Healthcare Grid, described at .
I’m thinking of signing up for it for one of my cats who has a lot of sinus problems. And also maybe signing up for myself because of my allergy to milk. If I sign up for it, it will scan my body several times a day and find toxins, allergies (things listed at the above link) and treat them. As a preventative measure.

Would you be willing to connect to Source and find out if participating in the Preventive Healthcare Grid is harmless? Or if it might cause Dark Side results like attachments?

(sent $20 through PayPal)

Thank you very much!

Continue reading “Shall I sign up to the Preventative Healthcare Grid?”

Vibrational Review: Trivortex and Brian David Andersen and energized water

trivortex and Brian David AndersenQuasi scientific discoveries attract those that think they are smart… But most quasi-scientific discoveries, most of them, are ineffective, fraudulent, and fake. But they sell well… They appeal the the “I am smart” person, and they appeal to the majority that says: Science knows what they are talking about. But this is, even in so-called real science, is a lie… most what passes for scientific is

1. financed by greed, fueled by greed, either for money or for recognition.
2. simply based on a hypothesis that is not true.

With that said: wanting water that energizes your body, wanting more energy is on everyone’s agenda” the perfect playground for marketeers and charlatans.

I myself energize my water. I fashioned my solution after the Sante Water model, without their equipment, although I used those for 15 years. Today I use a Source energy that makes the water coherent… It is simple, and it is inexpensive.

I haven’t had anyone who didn’t see the difference, but that is not my main source of income… so I am not pushing it.

Ok, onto the Vibrational review: enjoy.

As usual, this review was prompted by a student’s email to me.

After I spent two days in pain from checking out an energy “healer” in California, I was quite scared to expose myself again.

Yesterday I cloaked myself diligently every 30 minutes, and before I fell asleep, and woke up well and without pain. So here is the email and here is the review… interesting.

Good morning Sophie.

Could you please test this guy for me and if his products any good? My friend has a wellness shop in town and I used to work for her some. A year ago she sold me a Tri-Vibe and a Disc which I don’t use. Apparently products do something because people report pain disappearing and water tastes better but I have muscletested it against the body and it makes chakra’s weak and water to me tastes no different. Vortex is very strong I actually feel it. If I put it over my body it makes me dizzy.

Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Trivortex and Brian David Andersen and energized water”

Water: does it help or does it hinder your body?

energized waterWater! 70% of your body is water, and every single chemical process in your body requires water. In your cell and in between the cells.

Clean, well structured, good water. Water that lubricates your joints. Water that dissolves and carries the vitamins and the minerals to where they become life. Water that refreshes you, quenches your thirst, and leaves you with more energy than when you started.

Unfortunately to all of us, this is not the case. The water that is available for us, whether it is through the tap, through a “pristine” mountain stream, in a bottle, is water that doesn’t fit to drink.

The minimum energy, the minimum vibration, the minimum “consciousness level” water needs to have is 300. That is what muscletest says the body needs to match itself… for the water to neither add nor take away from its state. On the vibrational scale of consciousness. If its vibration is lower, then it robs your body of energy, and it robs you of your life, of your happiness, of your peace of mind, of your brilliance, of your health.

I have measured the vibration of water from different sources, and this is what I found this morning:
Continue reading “Water: does it help or does it hinder your body?”

Vibrational Reviews: Dr. Mark Sircus,Tony Robbins,Maureen Moss,Dr. Pankaj Naram,Taraleigh Love,Taraleigh Silberberberg,Sabrina Rieber,Melody Fletcher,Kathy Hadley,Merav Knafo,Belinda Davidson,Jia Ni Teo

What is the vibration of these teachers and healers:

Dr. Mark Sircus
Tony Robbins
Maureen Moss
Dr. Pankaj Naram
Taraleigh Love
Taraleigh Silberberberg
Sabrina Rieber
Melody Fletcher
Kathy Hadley
Merav Knafo
Belinda Davidson
Jia Ni Teo

Continue reading “Vibrational Reviews: Dr. Mark Sircus,Tony Robbins,Maureen Moss,Dr. Pankaj Naram,Taraleigh Love,Taraleigh Silberberberg,Sabrina Rieber,Melody Fletcher,Kathy Hadley,Merav Knafo,Belinda Davidson,Jia Ni Teo”

Supernatural? Empaths, sensitive, empathic person… what is the truth?


thornsPeople in general are addicted to seeking out and listening to “teachers” they think they know something that is not knowable to an ordinary person.

The way to “know” is to have “supernatural abilities.”

What is supernatural? And what is esoteric? 2

If you look at the Map of Consciousness, you can see that there is no such thing as supernatural, there are vibrational differences. And, probably, there are glitches. And maybe mutants? lol…

Human Being, in his Original Design state is pretty close to what you call supernatural. Yes, compared to the atrophied, slavish, sheeplike human of today, the Original Man was really powerful.

Each generation of humans became more removed from Source, and now, in the sixth generation, there are hardly any traces of the magnificent design we once had.

Some people retained some semblance of the original, but not many. Why? I am not sure. I don’t even have a theory. Maybe genetic, maybe atavistic, maybe a glitch, maybe outside influence. I don’t know.

One capacity that can be considered supernatural because it’s pretty cool, is empathy.

True Empaths are able to connect to anything well defined enough, and feel it, accurately, both on the emotional and the sensory level.
Continue reading “Supernatural? Empaths, sensitive, empathic person… what is the truth?”

More Vibrational Reviews: Carolyn Cooper, Mas Sajady, 9D Clearing, Aaron Murakami, Fred Alan Wolf, James Allen, Amy Flynn

When you can’t do your own thinking you come to the “expert”. It’s OK, but this is how you live your life… you may want to do some of your own thinking… If you “believe” me you’ll believe anyone.

Here is a new batch of vibrational reviews, all requested by readers of this blog.

Carolyn CooperCarolyn Cooper has what she calls the Simply Healed Method
Carolyn Cooper personal vibration: 180; her method: 170; my personal take on it: it is a hodge podge of bs.
Mas SajadyMas Sajady: Session with Success Energizer. Personal vibration: 200; Method: 170. Did he have a near death experience: no. Probably charismatic and people believe him. But he is just an operator. Continue reading “More Vibrational Reviews: Carolyn Cooper, Mas Sajady, 9D Clearing, Aaron Murakami, Fred Alan Wolf, James Allen, Amy Flynn”

Reviews: Ralph Smart, Mashhur Anam, Carnelian Sage

Reviews: Ralph Smart, Mashhur Anam,  Carnelian Sage
Ralph Smart aka Infinite Waters
Personal vibration: 170
Truth value of message: 150
Mashhur Anam founder of Life Harmonized
Mashhur Anam is an alchemist of life transformation who is guided by a belief and deep knowing that anything is possible. Over the years, curiosity, exploration and a desire to help humanity raise its collective consciousness, have guided him to explore the holographic nature of our universe and uncover a multitude of algorithms and equations that create and design our reality as we know it.Personal vibration: 190 (re-measured on 9/12/13 and it dropped to 170)
Truth value of methods, teachings, tools: 150
Continue reading “Reviews: Ralph Smart, Mashhur Anam, Carnelian Sage”