What is inspiration? A movie to inspire you to go beyond

What is inspiration? A movie to inspire you to go beyond

Inspiration… inspired… inspirable…

What do these words mean?

The spirit within: inside-spirit

I measure how much the spirit is active within you… and how much, on the current vibrational level, the current integrity level, the current about-me level, the spirit can be aroused.

You cannot be more inspiring that you can be inspired.

The number one communication tool you have available, creating a vision in another person, about themselves, about a project, about the future.

When you can create a vision and communicate it to yourself or to another, all upsets disappear, and you have the amazing result: the person (you?) wants to do what is consistent with that vision… which is what you would want them to do. Continue reading “What is inspiration? A movie to inspire you to go beyond”

Updated: This year be your own Valentine

Updated: This year be your own Valentine

Energetically you show up in the world much like a person who wears several outfits, one on top of the other.

Why would you do that? Because you hope that one of those outfits will make you look good enough and help you make it in the world, also known as survival.

We live in the age of looking good and making it.

Each layer of clothing has a different vibration, an intent to make you look and feel different to different people. Continue reading “Updated: This year be your own Valentine”

When you go beyond the horizontal plane…

When you go beyond the horizontal plane…

walking through a wallI participated with Landmark Education in all kinds of positions, participant, coach, trainee, leader. After 26 years I quit.

I quit for the same reason I quit Emotions Anonymous, and ACOA, Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families.

I quit because they were stuck. Stuck in the ordinary world. Stuck in the ordinary mindset. The participants, the leaders… they never moved out of the deep misery… so they were going back, year after year, “sharing” the same stories with the exact same words, with the exact same emotions they shared the year before. Continue reading “When you go beyond the horizontal plane…”

I don’t know if you know the feeling when someone…

I don’t know if you know the feeling when someone…

…when someone, finally, out of the blue, comes into your life and gives you what you haven’t been able to get from anyone, even though you have been trying and trying and trying… in vain.

And then you feel love. No, I mean LOVE… if I could I would make the letters as big as a house. Love. really. Continue reading “I don’t know if you know the feeling when someone…”

Can you direct your attention by your thoughts?

Can you direct your attention by your thoughts?

Where attention goes, energy flows… but can you direct your attention by your thoughts?

I’ve read somewhere that we live in the age of attention. Everyone fights for your attention, and you have little or no control… unless you can control your attention.

How much control do you have over your attention?

Why is that important?

Two reasons:

  • 1. where attention goes, energy flows. But… as you’ll find out, not all attention is equal…
  • 2. While you are ‘paying’ attention to one thing, you are ignoring everything else.
Attention is a single pointed arrow… it is not very wide cone either.
  • Your cone of vision is already narrow… why? Because fear, wrong, desire all narrow it… automatically.
  • Fear, wrong, and desire also urges you to fix what seems to be threatening you… by avoiding it, or by doing something drastic to it.

What happens when you see something that seems to be threatening you? Essentially what happens is that you take that ‘thing’ completely out of context… because in your puny cone of vision you cannot see the larger picture, you cannot see the context.

Context is decisive. It decides what you see when you look… You can only see what agrees with the context.

Continue reading “Can you direct your attention by your thoughts?”

Can you trust yourself? No, not yet… You need…

Can you trust yourself? No, not yet… You need…

Can you trust yourself? No, not yet… You need a Paradigm Shift: Own what owns you

I get affirmation from wherever, when I am on the right path… here it goes: I just finished this article, and here is my Rob Brezsny horoscope…

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Burrow down as deep as you dare, Virgo. Give yourself pep talks as you descend toward the gritty core of every matter. Feel your way into the underground, where the roots meet the foundations. It’s time for you to explore the mysteries that are usually beneath your conscious awareness. You have a mandate to reacquaint yourself with where you came from and how you got to where you are now.

Make it yours… if you have the courage… So you can become free. The process is more intricate than Rob Brezsny indicates, but it is also more rewarding.

OK, onto the actual article…

I have this very interesting and troubling insight:

People want to learn to act from their inner authority without ever finding out the bad news about themselves:

…who they have been being, that “told” them to do all the things that made their lives not work, or not work as well as it could. Continue reading “Can you trust yourself? No, not yet… You need…”

Powerful Debriefing: How to be a winner regardless

Powerful Debriefing: How to be a winner regardless

One of the major differences between winners and losers: winners have the ability to look at reality, and look long enough so all the filters get revealed and they actually see things for what they are.

Another difference between winners and losers is that winners love setbacks, love failures, maybe even more than success. Losers love success and HATE failures, or setbacks. Continue reading “Powerful Debriefing: How to be a winner regardless”

Numerology, astrology, Kabbalah, Bach Flower Remedies

royal numerologySomeone asked about a person and his service today… So I went to google and looked.

Aiden Powers… the picture is not his likeness, so I cannot connect to the person

Royal Numerology: truth value: 10%
Kabbalistic numerology: truth value: 40%

What’s the difference?

Kabbalistic numerology was a way to penetrate the mysteries of the Universe. To find truth, to find patterns, to find guidance. Continue reading “Numerology, astrology, Kabbalah, Bach Flower Remedies”

Do you meet others’ expectations? There is a price to pay

Do you meet others’ expectations? There is a price to pay

If you are on this site, you will find yourself, more or less, in this article. And it may change your life.

A student writes

Hi Sophie, I think I take trivial and superficial things too seriously. How can I let go of these immaterial incidents or people and focus on important things that truly matter to me?

this was my answer

“This is the sign of two things: 1. your map of reality isn’t very similar to reality. 2. you have too much importance attached to nice words about you… i.e. you want to be defined by words not by your actions.
Continue reading “Do you meet others’ expectations? There is a price to pay”

Astute, accurate diagnosis is 90% of success in any area of life

bach flower remedy bottlesI am working on the overwhelmingly too many foodlist orders I received in the last two days of June.

This triggered a feeling I don’t often feel any more: feeling imposed upon.

Doing things I don’t want to do. It is the energy of the Elm… a Bach energy®. “Don’t tell me what to do” reluctance, maybe even belligerence. A very forceful, suffocating, brittle energy. In fact, it’s worse than actually doing the darn thing…

What is underneath is a desire to win every time. Damn the torpedoes… lol.

Not very good for business. And no matter how hard on my hands to do so many food lists… More than a thousand muscletest each… I said I would do it… so now go do it, dammit. lol.

I didn’t know that about me. I don’t like the energy when I feel it from others, it is very selfish: desire to receive for the self alone. Suffocates me. Continue reading “Astute, accurate diagnosis is 90% of success in any area of life”