Do your biological age and behavior match?

Do your biological age and behavior match?

biological-bases-of-criminal-behaviour-3-638I found this chart on the net. Let’s do an experiment today, OK?

Find your age and give me feedback. It will be interesting to see if any of this is just mumbo jumbo or actually approximating the truth. Continue reading “Do your biological age and behavior match?”

If you don’t have a project, you don’t have a life

If you don’t have a project, you don’t have a life
If you don’t have a project, you don’t have a life. How to pick a project that will take you where you want to go?

It is projects that give substance to life, give you a reason to get up in the morning. If you don’t have a project you only get up in the morning because you didn’t die the night before. Continue reading “If you don’t have a project, you don’t have a life”

Carol Tuttle bio and Dr. Eben Alexander bio… A guru’s bio: any of it is true?

selling with a story: your bioIn another article I wrote about the importance of the “story”.

Because the customer, the buyer, the client, can relate to a story, a well crafted story sells you and sells your business. Why? Because the story appeals to the emotional, hypnotizeable part of the brain… People buy into the story, and if the story was true, then all is good. If the story was a lie, then only the people who have a religious bent will stay, the rest leave, or cry bloody murder.

In personal development, spirituality, we mostly deal with the beyond, what is beyond people’s conscious awareness, what mostly cannot be tracked, measured, documented, or even agreed upon.
Continue reading “Carol Tuttle bio and Dr. Eben Alexander bio… A guru’s bio: any of it is true?”

Don’t be hungry! Don’t be eager! Don’t be hellbent on success! Don’t be infatuated!

grocery_hungryMany people may say to you: to be successful, you need to have fire in the belly. You need to be hungry.

So people, maybe you, beat yourself into a feeding frenzy, and set out to conquer the world.

Your mother said: don’t go food shopping when you are hungry. Why? Because when your belly calls the shot, your higher faculties take leave of absence, and you’ll make horrible decisions. You’ll buy everything you should not eat, and enough food for ten. I have done it… horrid.

It is when the tail wags the dog.
Continue reading “Don’t be hungry! Don’t be eager! Don’t be hellbent on success! Don’t be infatuated!”

Osho: The art of walking the tightrope

Osho: The art of walking the tightrope

tightropeIn this series of Osho talks he examines stories from different ancient cultures. This is an excellent companion to what I teach. Enjoy!

Continue reading on my Osho blog

Are you being used? Do you feel used? Is it real?

Are you being used? Do you feel used? Is it real?

are you used?Lots of people, women and men, have a feeling that they are just placeholders or commodities for their friends or lovers.

Even coaches and gurus can have that feeling: actually this is what lead me to start this article.

Whenever I have a question about someone, or have time, I look up the online profiles of people that want to become a student of mine.

So I looked up someone today who has been a student, on and off for about two years now. I have had mixed feeling about her, so I looked her up.
Continue reading “Are you being used? Do you feel used? Is it real?”

Negativity… are you protected enough from it?

Negativity… are you protected enough from it?

We are all trying to live a great life, stay clear headed, be productive, feel good about ourselves.

But, it seems, the world is full of negativity. Gurus teach us to isolate ourselves from that negativity, to think positive, to remove negative friends from our circles… but with all that hubbab, we are more miserable today than we were before we started to protect ourselves from this negativity. Continue reading “Negativity… are you protected enough from it?”

It is not what you have, but what you do with what you have that matters most


I had a coaching call today with my friend, let’s call him Max.

He is an entrepreneur and we’ve been friends for some years now.

I coach him, and he coaches me, and the goal is that we get equal amount of value: each get what they need.
Continue reading “It is not what you have, but what you do with what you have that matters most”

How to be with The things you can’t be with

How to be with The things you can’t be with

dwelling-on-the-negativeI got a really great question yesterday from a student.

He asks: Is it possible to be with what you can’t accept, killing, rape, and such? And how do you do it without jeopardizing your personal values, your personal integrity, and at the same time still be able to be happy and not be mired in the dark energies of hatred?

This is a really great question. After all isn’t the world REALLY divided to right and wrong? Good or bad? And wouldn’t it put you on the side of bad and wrong if you accepted what you don’t agree with, what you don’t like, what you abhor?

The answer to the question, as almost always, is hidden in the question.

It takes a shift of vantage point.
Continue reading “How to be with The things you can’t be with”

Conscious Awareness… how much do you do with awareness?

Conscious Awareness… how much do you do with awareness?

Conscious awareness, this is the expression I have learned, so far, from reading the Anastasia books, The Ringing Cedars of Russia series.

It sounds like a puny takeaway, but it is major in its implications.

It has raised MY conscious awareness of what and how I am teaching.

You know, from time to time you can’t see the forest for the trees. I can’t… lol

On my webinar calls, I teach you to step back, I teach you to find your Tangerine Spot, I teach you to lift it with your attention…

Let me stop here, because there is enough to say about those three distinctions that have left students at my mercy.
Continue reading “Conscious Awareness… how much do you do with awareness?”