Let’s redefine who you are for yourself, permanently

Let’s redefine who you are for yourself, permanently

Observe yourself. Look up at the sky. What do you notice? The clouds. The color of the sky? Or the stars?

Do you know know that behind the clouds the sky is always unchanged, regardless its color?

Depending on what you pay attention to, your life will be different. Continue reading “Let’s redefine who you are for yourself, permanently”

If the who doesn’t change, nothing can change

If the who doesn’t change, nothing can change
If the who doesn’t change, nothing can change

This morning I opened an email from a dude who reads my emails, reads my articles, and says he resonates with what I say.

In his latest email he said that we should talk. That we are the world’s two smartest people… so we should talk. Continue reading “If the who doesn’t change, nothing can change”

My experiment offering you to bid on an energy audio

My experiment offering you to bid on an energy audio

WE all heard of energies, healing energy, hands on, maybe even remote energy transmission. But some energies cannot come from a human, they can only come from the beyond, the god realm. So what’s in the audio? Continue reading “My experiment offering you to bid on an energy audio”

How much do you fancy your hour is worth? And your life?

How much do you fancy your hour is worth? And your life?
mai tai or how much your life is worth without itValue, worth is a very interesting concept. It tells everything anyone needs to know about you.

Commerce, and most interactions are value-exchange-based when healthy.

But who defines what is value and how much?

Before we can go deeply into that, let’s look what you have that is of value…

Some of it is of value to you, some of it is of value to someone else.

You have your time. Instead of doing anything you want with it, some of it you’ll turn into value that you can sell. In exchange of something that you value more or equally as your time Continue reading “How much do you fancy your hour is worth? And your life?”

The most important questions you should ask yourself before you buy something… anything

The most important questions you should ask yourself before you buy something… anything

…ask them, answer them, and then know that you’ll forget what you said…

Am I driving you mad? lol

OK, here are the questions:

    • 1. Can I get enough value out of this product… comparable or larger than what the money I pay for it is worth to me… right now? 1
    • 2. Will I be happy with the product and myself if I only get as much value as much money I paid plus 50%? 2

Continue reading “The most important questions you should ask yourself before you buy something… anything”