Your use of language gives away your inauthenticity

Your use of language gives away your inauthenticity

Your use of language gives away your inauthenticity

The English language used to be quite precise in its tenses, but the language has been destroyed by the powers that be.

I learned English from teachers in another country, teachers who still remembered that your words express, or at least attempt at approximating accurately reality or our intention. Continue reading “Your use of language gives away your inauthenticity”

How to see a painful incident differently, even after years

How to see a painful incident differently, even after years

In our ‘Reframing Challenge’ suddenly being laughed at, or snarky remarks have come up to reframe.

The challenge is to not take it personally.

In the homo sapiens world everything is personal. They are laughing AT YOU…

Here is an example when a person is bigger than that… and how that scenario looks from the sideways view. This is from Reddit.

The thread starts thus: I set the timer on the camera then fell running to get in the photo. My family’s reaction…

Here is the picture the camera took… Click on the picture to see it full size…


I laughed with that family, and it felt soooo goooood!

Continue reading “How to see a painful incident differently, even after years”

Reframing… take the Precious I out of the picture

Reframing… take the Precious I out of the picture

A student of mine gave me access to a course he bought that teaches psychiatrists to reframe the client’s story so it hurts less, or maybe doesn’t hurt at all.

Reframing sounds really simple: look at what is happening or what happened from a different angle, with different eyes.

The most important element of reframing is to step out of your persona, step out of your ego, step out of who you consider yourself to be. Continue reading “Reframing… take the Precious I out of the picture”

Shall I offer group energy healing sessions? Your opinion?

Shall I offer group energy healing sessions? Your opinion?

Back in, I think, 2011 I was friends with some people who swore that this Indian guru was a real healer. That his energies healed animals, trees, and people…

So I signed up to a group healing call. It was $50 per call if you subscribed.

The call was 177 minutes commercial, and 3 minutes energy transmission.

By that time I was already an energy practitioner. I also knew I was an empath. And my vibration was already high. Continue reading “Shall I offer group energy healing sessions? Your opinion?”

This is the way the cookie crumbles… Really

This is the way the cookie crumbles… Really

This is the way the cookie crumbles: your life, the quality of your life depends on you.

I’ve read somewhere that people are only curious about something they already know. Not ‘know about’ but actually know. Had experience with.

Knowing about is idle curiosity: useless.

  • You don’t know the river until you wade into it.
  • You don’t know a person unless you wade in and deal with him.
  • And you don’t know a poem until you try to say it out loud.

Continue reading “This is the way the cookie crumbles… Really”

Life: Cooking from recipes… or being a master chef…

Life: Cooking from recipes… or being a master chef…

Audio introduction by me:

I have been anguished by the inability of my clients to abide by their food list and make it fully satisfying… Result: their well being tops off at 10%, while mine is 70%.

Don’t have your food list? Get it now.

Get your food list
I saw an article that suggests that following recipes is way inferior to knowing how to cook, knowing the patterns, the principles, the methods, the science and the art of preparing food. I republished that article here Cooking Jazz

Preparing food and your relationship to it is a ‘how’, not a ‘what’. And how you do anything is how you do everything, remember?

If your relationship to food, to the preparation, to cooking is in one way, we’ll find the same one way in other areas of life. So pay close attention to what is your relationship to cooking: this can be life altering.
Continue reading “Life: Cooking from recipes… or being a master chef…”

So you want to be a winner? Let’s see how to go about it

So you want to be a winner? Let’s see how to go about it
Let’s say you would like to be a winner… Create yourself as a winner…

What do you need to chuck, discard, leave behind, toss if you really want to create yourself? Continue reading “So you want to be a winner? Let’s see how to go about it”

Do you have a friend you can discuss things with?

Do you have a friend you can discuss things with?

Occasionally I am struck with the sense that I have no one to talk to.

Some things, like should I do this, should I say yes or no, would be great for me to talk through.

Choice is: selecting freely, after consideration. Choice is when it is not your reasons that choose but you, yourself. But often it is not easy to choose… and a conversation helps.

Choice is selecting freely, after consideration…

That consideration is a conversation. Either with yourself, or with someone who is willing to be a sounding board. Continue reading “Do you have a friend you can discuss things with?”

Equality: All men are created equal… true or false?

Equality: All men are created equal… true or false?

Equality: All men are created equalAll men are created equal. That is the design. Whether you are a Bible reader, where The Book of Genesis says that when God created the world, God created humanity ‘in the Divine Image.’ or you look at the DNA and see that all humans have essentially the same DNA… we are equal, but some people are more equal than others… fffffff! Right?

This is going to be a post/article I am thinking through as I am writing it. I don’t already know what will come out of it.

It is not meant to be racist, elitist, or anything like that. It is meant to be looking what is the truth about that statement in the Declaration of Independence, and what it means to you.

I consider every person a person… so to me all men are a person… and yet, I measure stuff about them, and I hold the idea that the underlying design, the DNA is the same in all.

Hah… and therein lies the mischief. Continue reading “Equality: All men are created equal… true or false?”

Are you homo sapiens or human being? Let’s look…

Are you homo sapiens or human being? Let’s look…

evolutionWhat is the evolutionary difference between homo sapiens and human being?

Homo Sapiens is the evolutionary level where current humanity is. There is no one at the present time beyond that level.

I guess the famous and made up story of the 100th monkey is about an evolutionary leap, but it hasn’t happened.

Continue reading “Are you homo sapiens or human being? Let’s look…”