Get rid of the memes… all of them are lies…

Get rid of the memes… all of them are lies…

One of the most important principles in the 67 steps program is to get rid of a ‘truth’ as often as you can.

No one hears that they should do that. No one does it. Why?

The mind says: ‘why should I get rid of a piece of useful knowledge.Continue reading “Get rid of the memes… all of them are lies…”

How accurate is your knowledge? What you read, see, hear, and say…

Most everything you read on the internet, in books, on youtube, is b.s. Not true… a lie, or not the whole truth.

What do I mean by b.s.? I simply mean that they have a low truth value.

They can be a lie… misdirection, misleading, made up… etc. Not necessarily with a malicious intent… the speaker/writer is looking to say what they say in the mind, in memes, in books, in other people speaking, not in reality.

Unless it is your truth, experienced yourself, it is not truth. Truth repeated is a lie… Talking about flying isn’t flying. Talking about sex isn’t sex. Talking about integrity isn’t integrity.

Continue reading “How accurate is your knowledge? What you read, see, hear, and say…”