The invisible difference between a producer and you…

The invisible difference between a producer and you…

your precious i covers much of your cone of visionDon’t be mistaken. The only way to feel good about yourself, to have a life you love and a life you live powerfully is by being a producer.

The secret of producers lies in the invisible dimension. The dimension that is invisible to both to you and them. They do something differently (not different, differently!) from you… and they don’t even know it. I am an empath… and I feel what you do, and I feel what they do… I feel your how…

One area where the two how’s are strikingly different is your self-image. This is crucial… by the way. So please pay attention.

I won’t charge you a million dollars, even though it could be worth it.

Continue reading “The invisible difference between a producer and you…”

Are you a high achiever? No? This article is for you…

Are you a high achiever? No? This article is for you…

achievement achiever... getting all the way to the top in spite of the overcrowdingI just read an interesting story about people who dream about climbing Mount Everest. For you who like me have to look it up: Mount Everest is ‘…Earth’s highest mountain above sea level, located in the Mahalangur Himal sub-range of the Himalayas. The China–Nepal border runs across its summit point. Its elevation of 8,848.86 m was most recently established in 2020 by the Nepali and Chinese authorities’

Lots of experienced and inexperienced mountain climbers attempt the climb, and many die in the process. Why?

The story says… Continue reading “Are you a high achiever? No? This article is for you…”