When it comes to your life, Are you a race car driver or…

Originally posted 2011-03-05 09:25:31.

When it comes to your life, Are you a race car driver or…
When it comes to your life, Are you a race car driver

or a hop-into-the car grocery shopper?

Said in another way: If Your Life Were A Car, Who Is Driving Your Life? Continue reading “When it comes to your life, Are you a race car driver or…”

What Are the Tools to Change Your Future?

What Are the Tools to Change Your Future?

I have been listening to a lot of old recordings, reading a lot of older articles.

I always had a direction in mind when I wrote those articles, when I had those webinars or calls.

One could say: I started out in New York, and I wanted to end up in Seattle. I didn’t know much about anything, but I knew one thing: If I always head West I’ll be near…

When you track your current path on the map you will notice that it has a trend. The exact way you can tell from a short section of rails the direction they are heading. If you told the truth where that path is heading, you would say that it is heading not where you want to go… So what is there to do to change your future? Continue reading “What Are the Tools to Change Your Future?”