Vibrational Review: Gabriel Code: is it any good?

Vibrational Review: Gabriel Code: is it any good?

Vibrational Review: Gabriel Code: identify your nine fat triggers and lose all the weight

Jon Gabriel is an amateur(?) Biochemical Researcher. In this new Mind Valley program, the Gabriel Code, he claims that your body has fat triggers.

Test your fat triggers Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Gabriel Code: is it any good?”

Vibrational Reviews: no results, no energy, religious bs… oh well, no wonder these people are so miserable

Vibrational Reviews: no results, no energy, religious bs… oh well, no wonder these people are so miserable

Robert Scheinfeld,Anette Carlstrom,Joseph Michael Levry/ Gurunam,Harrison Klein,Jennifer McLean,Rudy Hunter,Santos Bonacci astrotheologian
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Interesting new vibrational reviews, Carlos Castaneda, Mantak Chia, and some pseudonames

Interesting new vibrational reviews, Carlos Castaneda, Mantak Chia, and some pseudonames

Machaelle Small Wright vibrational review
Machaelle Small Wright author of “Behaving as if the God in All Life Mattered” First off, when I asked to connect to Machaella, there was no such person. Then I asked to connect to the author of the book above, and then I connected. The author seems to be a man. WTF? This has never happened to me… personal vibration: 180. Truth value: 170. The whole ouvre vibration: 200

Mantak Chia is a Taoist Master. He is best known for his teaching Taoist practices under the names of Healing Tao, Tao Yoga, Universal Healing Tao System and Qigong. Personal vibration: 240. Deep seated fear
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Vibrational Reviews: more famous and not so famous people

Intenders of the Highest Good – The Vision Alignment Project. Tony Burrough: 200

Iyanla vanzant. Personal vibration: 140
John of God vibrationJohn of god – Joao de Deus, Medium. Personal vibration: 200
Joshua Bloom – Quantum Healing. Personal vibration: 130 Continue reading “Vibrational Reviews: more famous and not so famous people”

Vibrational Reviews: Lola Jones, Kimberly McGeorge, and more

  • Lola-Jones-spiritual-teacher_0Lola Jones (DivineOpenings). Personal vibration: 200; truth value of teachings: 200Update 1/7/2015: Personal vibration: 170. Truth value of teachings: 1%… meaning: 99% is either b.s. or Tree of Knowledge.A reader asked about the 5-day silent retreat: here is what I found: vibration of the retreat: 140.  It is a nice way to spend five days, but the results are non-existent and non-lasting. Why? because the person and who she attracts are not really interested in doing the real work, and don’t have high enough vibration to do the real work.Enough said.
  • Dr. Kimberly McGeorge, ND, CNH – Access Consciousness …personal vibration: 170


  • Brent Phillips Theta Healing review
    Brent Phillips THETA healing using the muscles and mind. personal vibration: 180

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Vibrational Reviews: Dr Yuen, Adi Da, Family Constellation, Flora Peterson

Vibrational Reviews:

The Yuen Method: Dr. Yuen personal vibration: 200; method vibration (truth value) 210. Does he use energy to use his work? no. Is he a fraud? no. Is the method trainable? no. Is he connected to Source? yes. Is HE doing the work? no. Is Source doing the work? yes. His method of connecting is going within. His center of connection is in the chest (not heart). Can I do what he does? No. Could I learn what he does? yes. Dr Yuen is plagued with unbearable anguish.

Flora Peterson intuitive energy reader and space clearer: personal vibration: 210. Success rate (percentage of cases in which she really connects to you): 30%

Adi Da Samraj (
Adidam is devoted to Avatar Adi Da Samraj, His Spiritual Teaching and His Gift of Perfect Divine Enlightenment.) Adi Da Samraj (November 3, 1939 – November 27, 2008), born Franklin Albert Jones in Queens, New York, was a spiritual teacher, writer and artist… Personal vibration: 190. (much anguish). Teachings truth value: 200
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More about the Avatar State audios and INSTRUCTIONS for use! Updated

More about the Avatar State audios

First off, the Avatar State: it’s a strong and wide connection. It is much like a wide laser beam, on one hand, that bores through obstacles.

What obstacles? Depending on your vibrational frequency (truth value) you have tens, hundreds, or thousands of obstacles… those are the standards, ideals, and “truths” you live and judge by.

I wrote a sentence in a recent article: “You can’t expect to be elegant in mind, elegant in spirit, if your environment isn’t.”

He read it and went into massive rage and fear, sent me 17 (I counted) emails to prove to me that I am wrong. His vibration is 170. Going into rages like this, fixed focus, nostrils flaring, being stuck and not able to look around, is an obstacle.
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Vibrational Review: Gabrielle Bernstein…

Vibrational Review: Gabrielle Bernstein…

Gabrielle Bernstein, author of ‘May Cause Miracles’, ‘Spirit Junkie’Personal vibration: 200
Truth value of teaching: 7%
Course of Miracles truth value: 10%
My personal take on it: socially and politically correct drivel… talking about it. Her hook is the word “miracle” or “miracles” and who she hooks with is the hopeful, the people with their hands out, the unconscious. Very much in harmonious sync with the Christian women believers. If you are one, you’ll love it. Drama Queen extraordinaire

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Vibrational Review: Tapping Into Abundance By Carol Look (MindValley product)

vibrational review tapping into abundance carol look mind valley empowermentTapping Into Abundance By Carol Look And Tapping – A vibrational review

I am working on an abundance activator, and therefore I am very interested in anything that is happening in that topic.

I didn’t buy the 195 dollar product, so I am only able to provide my thoughts and my muscletesting results.
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