Uproot yourself so you can dance. Grow some legs

Uproot yourself so you can dance. Grow some legs

We are working to uproot you from misery… and helping you to grow some legs.. so you can dance, move, joyfully.

One more thing to mention that unless you truly get this, nothing else will help, nothing else will matter:

The most important fact about reality is this: there is nothing that is missing in reality.

there is no ‘no’ in reality. So if you want to live in reality, then suddenly we won’t hear the word, inside and out, no, don’t, haven’t, shouldn’t, etc.

I have a young couple living downstairs in this two family house.

I always check if they are at home, and I always opinionate about how they live their lives, at least the part I can see.

So this evening I did what I always do, just after I sent an email to my faithful ‘flexibility capacity’ clients. Continue reading “Uproot yourself so you can dance. Grow some legs”

The measure of intelligence is the ability to change

The measure of intelligence is the ability to change

the measure of intelligence is the ability to changeSpecies-wide, the ability to change is called adaptability. Species that can adapt survive. Species that don’t… don’t.

Adaptability as a skill refers to the ability of a person to change his actions, course or approach to doing things in order to suit a new situation. We constantly change our lifestyles because our world is changing always. … That is an example of adaptability.

But what happens if you don’t recognize that it is a new situation… when you look at everything exactly the same way as before? Then you are stuck. Continue reading “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change”

Truth value: what am I looking at to come up with a number?

The invisible and its relationship to truth value

I bought a book today Ikagai

Ikagai the Japanese way of finding purpose in your life. Japanese culture is very different from Western culture in that there is no hurry, there is no desire trap, no teaching to imagine in detail what you want, live in your head… etc.
Here are the five principles of Ikigai: living with joy every day. Step dancing to work, as Tai Lopez would say:

Awakening Your Ikagai by Ken Mogi (Truth value: 30%) explains that Ikigai (roughly described as the pleasures and meanings of life) has 5 Pillars:

  • 1 – Starting small; focusing on doing a certain thing (or part of a thing) very well
  • 2 – Releasing yourself from bondage, from the should’s and have-to’s; accepting who you are, and allowing yourself to be open to your place in the greater community
  • 3 – Harmony & sustainability – recognizing that the permanence of anything includes getting along with and relying on others, doing small things well/beautifully
  • 4 – The joy of small things – appreciating the sensory pleasure of everything around you
  • 5 – Being in the here and now – living in this moment now
Ikagai is what logotherapy invented by Victor Frankl in the Nazi concentration camp… and more. Really a way to live that feels like it matters.

It really doesn’t matter whether you matter or not for the quality of your life. Many people matter, and yet feel bad about their lives. What matters is what you FEEL.

I, for example, probably don’t matter. But I have managed to create IKAGAI for my life, that allows me to enjoy it, enjoy myself, and make my life closest to an art form.

Ikagai for business on creating a purpose, both individually, and for a business.

I have just started reading it… I measured its truth value. It’s 20%.

And then I had the idea of asking a different question I have been meaning to ask: How much of the missing 80% is something that the person doesn’t say, cannot say, because he doesn’t know? And it was high: 70%. And the remaining 10% is just simple untruth, mistake, wrong knowledge.

Then I got a report from one of my students/accountability partners. He says:
I spent some time pondering.

I saw the value and the importance of seeing things for myself, taking time to gather my own evidence to support views, to make it my own. To keep moving towards clarity. Otherwise, I’m just repeating memes, i.e. lying. The difference between assessment and assertion

My heart smiled. He is getting it. His truth value is growing.

99% of the world repeats memes, Tree of Knowledge, that they have no personal evidence for, experience about, they just words that maybe even the writer or the speaker is just repeating. Utterances. But they are repeating “truth”… and in their mouths the truth becomes a lie.

And it isn’t just Bible thumping folks, it is university professors, PhD’s, doctors, gurus, healers… and not the least: you. Continue reading “Truth value: what am I looking at to come up with a number?”

Democratize… Or how do you reproduce your misery with every action you take

You read articles and blog posts because the title sounds interesting.
You watch videos because you have heard of the person who made it.
You sign up with a coach or a teacher because what they say resonates with you…

If something isn’t working, there is something that you don’t know

Here is a very important piece of knowledge: if something resonates with you, if something makes sense that it will either lower your vibration or will keep you the same… at best.

Your mind is interested in keeping you where you are. It is in ess, evolutionary stable strategy, and will direct you to people and knowledge that doesn’t upset the apple cart.

What is new, what you need if you really want to grow, isn’t going to appeal to you that much, or not at all. Continue reading “Democratize… Or how do you reproduce your misery with every action you take”

Do you disappear when you die? And does it matter?

Do you disappear when you die? And does it matter?

be responsible for the energy you bringI have been spending quite some time with the dead.

I am finding that when you die, your energy doesn’t die with you. So all the billions of people who ever lived are still represented here by their energies. Are they souls? No. Do they every ascend? No. They are not… these are energies… something you can connect to, something that can commingle with your energy and wreak havoc.

This fact, the people who lived leave their energy behind, justifies my measurements that some of the most significant people who shaped humanity’s thinking actually never lived. They were constructs of many people. So they never died, never lived.

Jesus, Moses, Lao Tzu, Sun Tzu… King David Continue reading “Do you disappear when you die? And does it matter?”

Mental toughness assessment: How do you score?

Mental toughness assessment: How do you score?

Mental toughness assessment: is that a move? A technique? Can it be learned?
Mental toughness… is it really needed, and if it is, how do you develop into a mentally tough person?

One of my starting point measurements, the Twitchy Little Bastard score is about mental toughness. 1

99% of the people I measure have a TLB 1… meaning that they have NO mental toughness. Meaning that at the moment of threat, discomfort, challenge, they make a beeline to something easy, pleasurable, and safe.

But all the things you have ever wanted are on the other side of difficult, uncomfortable, challenging, hard, or maybe even painful.

Continue reading “Mental toughness assessment: How do you score?”