The hidden spiritual capacity that is underneath all the others… I think.

The hidden spiritual capacity that is underneath all the others… I think.

some people never learnIt’s been coming up with more and more frequency:

We don’t know what it looks like to be good, to be kind, to be independent, to be happy, etc.

I wrote recently about my quest to become a kind person.

I am 70 years old. Why now? why so late in life?

When I look back at my childhood, when I look at my brothers, their wives, I see no kindness. EVER.

I am now able to be kind except right now, today… I am irritated, and out of balance… I don’t want to share the “story”, but please know that there are innate capacities and learned capacities. I will never be as patient as a saint… especially when I am out of balance… Kindness and patience are intimately connected.

Spiritual virtues, like kindness, goodness, love, forgiveness… etc. you only learn when you see it in many situations. We could be simplistic and call it learning by osmosis. Continue reading “The hidden spiritual capacity that is underneath all the others… I think.”

The genius path to become a person with a Self

The genius path to become a person with a Self

human success: living life on the tree of lifeBeing successful as a human

When you look at people, you notice that there are two different ways to be successful:

1. worldly success… and
2. successful as in well rounded, fulfilled, joyful, and loving life.

The two don’t happen in the same person too often.

There are notable exceptions. Einstein was one of the exceptions. 1

Your vibration is a lot more correlated with the human success score than with worldly success score: fame, money, notoriety.

Obviously I train people in human success first, and worldly success second… and I have chosen, for myself, the same.

Why? Because no worldly success compensates for wretchedness.

Continue reading “The genius path to become a person with a Self”

Let’s talk about balance: The myth, and reality…

Let’s talk about balance: The myth, and reality…

your self is what keeps you straightLet’s talk about balance: The myth, and reality… and Self that is more important than balance

First off: about the Tree of Knowledge.

The purpose of the Tree of Knowledge is to keep you from doing your own assessments, to take ready ideas and swallow them whole. Ultimately the aim of the Tree of Knowledge is to keep you in sheep state.

If you ever visited a mental institution, you have seen the zombie-like patients, that whenever they started to act as people, they were injected with chemicals, to make them comply.

The Tree of Knowledge is the larger than a psychiatric ward solution to the same “problem”. The Tree of Knowledge controls you with words and words that carry emotions.

Easy peasy… Continue reading “Let’s talk about balance: The myth, and reality…”

Why I was miserable for 17 years… I didn’t know until now

Why I was miserable for 17 years… I didn’t know until now

hey coach...As I said in a previous article, I am reading the book, The One Thing.

Most books, just like Tai says, are one-gold-nugget books. Tree of Knowledge. This one is full of gold nuggets. The One Thing book is a Tree of Life book

The nugget I discovered yesterday may be the most important thing I have missed, and I see others miss…

It is and have been in plain sight but at the same time it is invisible, like most new distinctions. Until you see it, you don’t…

The nugget, this new distinction, is the foundation for the Ben Jonson quote from Poor Richard’s Almanac: “He that is taught only by himself has a fool for a master” 2

Continue reading “Why I was miserable for 17 years… I didn’t know until now”

If you can understand it, it is probably not true

If you can understand it, it is probably not true

This is part 2 of the article “The crucial difference between people who are on the top and you

I will start with a confession: this is new knowledge. I myself have been part of the “not on the top” people…

Let me explain what happened.

About a month ago I read an article that had a list of 20 books that Charlie Munger recommends. Continue reading “If you can understand it, it is probably not true”

The crucial difference. People on the top and you. Part 1

The crucial difference. People on the top and you. Part 1

I slept in today.

I had a dream up till the very moment I opened my eyes.

In the dream I talked to lots of smart people. So I didn’t want to wake up… I was hanging around longer than usual in the threshold. I talked to Warren Buffet, Charlie Munger, Bill Gates, Michael Jordan… I also watched them.

I wasn’t looking for answers, I was looking. And I got some answers.

I was curious to see how they were that they could go so far further than most in wealth, success. In fame. Continue reading “The crucial difference. People on the top and you. Part 1”



New insight:

As you may have noticed, one of the spiritual capacities that can raise your vibration is willingness.

But I am a lot more interested in unwillingness… because no amount of desire to be willing will counter unwillingness in its many forms, with its many causes.

One of the reasons for unwillingness to be so ubiquitous, is that it is counter intuitive.

When I say “intuition” I don’t mean real intuition. I mean that if you live on the Tree of Knowledge, then what is intuitive to you is what makes sense… on the Tree of Knowledge.

And about 70% that makes sense on the Tree of Knowledge is actually useless, untrue, falsehood, and damaging.

Being willing does not make sense on the Tree of Knowledge. What makes sense is to resist. Continue reading “Unwillingness”

Tinnitus and energetic attachments. Can attachments be the cause of Tinnitus, the ringing of the ears?

Tinnitus and energetic attachments. Can attachments be the cause of Tinnitus, the ringing of the ears?

baby-tinnitusI have one client with Tinnitus.

Tinnitus is a noise you hear in your ear… It can be whistling, rustling, the sound of rushing blood…

It can interfere with your sense of well-being.

I have had a pulsing noise (pulsing to the rhythm of my heart beat) in my ear for some time… but because of all the emotional load on me, I am tough as nail… so it was just “par for the day”… for me.

But my client really suffered.

So… on Sunday there was a video in my “Digg” email about how a simple technique created silence for Tinnitus sufferers. The video didn’t say for how long. I said: OK…
Continue reading “Tinnitus and energetic attachments. Can attachments be the cause of Tinnitus, the ringing of the ears?”

Personality vs Self… what is same, what is different?

Personality vs Self… what is same, what is different?

your personality and social media choicesHow do you know if you don’t have a Self? And if you don’t… what is missing?

As with everything in life, things are never completely this way or that way. All physical laws are only 100% true in your imagination: in reality there are too many factors to consider.

It is a matter of spiritual and emotional maturity whether a person can be with controversy and ambivalence… or in this case degrees of anything.

What I am trying to say: there is no one who has no Self at all, and there is no one who is 100% in possession of their Self.

There is a huge variety, and a huge variety of ways one isn’t willing to have a Self.

Why do I say “willing”? Isn’t it the goal to have a Self?

It is and it isn’t. We all have a personality of some sort… and most of us are satisfied with that.
Continue reading “Personality vs Self… what is same, what is different?”

Personality traits that serve you, and personality traits that don’t.

This is not my creation, and honestly, I haven’t spent much time analyzing it either. But, just so you know, this is a Tree of Knowledge list… I, in my work, deal with the underlying attitudes, not personality traits…

638 Primary Personality Traits

Positive Traits (234 = 37%)

  1. Accessible
  2. Active
  3. Adaptable
  4. Admirable
  5. Adventurous
  6. Agreeable
  7. Alert
  8. Allocentric
  9. Amiable
  10. Anticipative
  11. Appreciative
  12. Articulate
  13. Aspiring
  14. Athletic
  15. Attractive
  16. Continue reading “Personality traits that serve you, and personality traits that don’t.”