Why only 1~2% of participants produce results in a course? Any course… And why you are not among them?

It’s Sunday. I hung up my Sunday Rants call 90 minutes ago. I spent these 90 minutes watching marketing sales videos… as I would like to get better at marketing.

And it suddenly hit me… It hit me why no course, no program, no video course, audio course or group coaching can get much result, my program or others’.

I remember a few years ago when famed marketers, like Frank Kern, approached Tony Robbins to get some coaching on how to make people actually achieve the results they promised them in their sales letters. The meager results were bothering them. No matter how good, how detailed the course was, how much handholding they gave, only a fragment of the participants produced results. Continue reading “Why only 1~2% of participants produce results in a course? Any course… And why you are not among them?”

What’s missing from Rapid Peace, the Power of Now, and other books…

being identified with the mindEverybody and their sister is teaching you to be in the present moment, to surrender to the present moment.

I have observed people who loved it in Eckhart Tolle’s book, and now I am observing a famous marketer marketing an ebook on the same principle.


There is always a but, have you noticed?

Everything of this genre works for some people and doesn’t for most.

What is the difference between people, and how come the people teach it, don’t know the difference? Because they don’t…
Continue reading “What’s missing from Rapid Peace, the Power of Now, and other books…”

Are your friends under mind control? you?

Are your friends under mind control? you?


Today’s article is for people that are able and willing to think. Readers. Learners. People able to hold a thought. If you are 90% of my visitors: leave now. Please.

We are under mind-controlling influences, most of the time. If you want to have a life not directed by the mind control influences, this article is a must to understand what they do and how they do it.

I also point you to the direction how to use this as your opportunity to become and Expanding Human Being.
Continue reading “Are your friends under mind control? you?”

Vibrational Reviews: Dr. Mark Sircus,Tony Robbins,Maureen Moss,Dr. Pankaj Naram,Taraleigh Love,Taraleigh Silberberberg,Sabrina Rieber,Melody Fletcher,Kathy Hadley,Merav Knafo,Belinda Davidson,Jia Ni Teo

What is the vibration of these teachers and healers:

Dr. Mark Sircus
Tony Robbins
Maureen Moss
Dr. Pankaj Naram
Taraleigh Love
Taraleigh Silberberberg
Sabrina Rieber
Melody Fletcher
Kathy Hadley
Merav Knafo
Belinda Davidson
Jia Ni Teo

Continue reading “Vibrational Reviews: Dr. Mark Sircus,Tony Robbins,Maureen Moss,Dr. Pankaj Naram,Taraleigh Love,Taraleigh Silberberberg,Sabrina Rieber,Melody Fletcher,Kathy Hadley,Merav Knafo,Belinda Davidson,Jia Ni Teo”

Radical Honesty: The Truth About You If You Are Human And Breathe: You Are A Liar

pinocchio the liar Radical Honesty: the truth about you if you are human and breathe: you are a liar. 1

Did you notice that in American spoken English, people don’t lie down, they lay down; things are not underlying, they are underlaying. The culture of withhold, the culture of hidden lies is so strong: it is changing the language.

You can call a person an s.o.b., but don’t call him on a lie: he will kill you, or at least sue you. Lol.

Someone recommended that book, the Radical Honesty, to me. I had to put it down after about 30 pages: I could not stand the amateurish writing style, the long convoluted sentences, the self-promotion angle of it.


I just hung up with a friend. He started, with my help, a business that so far built him a mailing list of about 700 people: not a bad start. He also got three consulting gigs out of it, that isn’t bad either.

I am managing his mailing list for him, and I feel that his people need to get an email today, or they will not remember why this guy is writing to them.

Normally this guy calls me every day, but I haven’t heard from him for more than two weeks.

So I called him. “What’s up? Your people need to get an email… what do you want to tell them?”

From the other end of the line this sheepish voice came, shame mostly. “I don’t know why I can’t do it. I have so many ideas and then I just don’t want to do it…” he was squirming.

This has been his attitude with any growth opportunity he had in the past 12 years: that is how long I’ve known him.

So, what’s up with that, WTF, right?

He is a Landmark Education graduate, he did Dianetics, he worked with Tony Robbins, he went to India a dozen times, how come he can’t control himself when it comes to success?

He is impeded… he is using most of his energies to hide stuff… that if he goes to uncharted territory, where all the moves are unusual, he may slip and let up and some of that ugliness spills out.

liar, cheater, pretender How do I know it? because that is how humans are… use most of their brain power, and 99% of their will to stuff what they NEED TO STUFF, to maintain the status quo… and interestingly, there is nothing nice or lovely about the status quo: most of the people I know are dissatisfied, bored, lost, hoping, trying, but none of them are living, passionately, nothing held back, full out, like they could.

Is it courage that’s missing? Yes. But not the courage to go for it, the courage to tell the truth about the lies, the pretenses, the disloyalty, the gossip ping, the ugliness.
Continue reading “Radical Honesty: The Truth About You If You Are Human And Breathe: You Are A Liar”

How Did It Go On The 27th? Have The Thousand Years Of Peace Begun? Happy New Year!

celebration of the beginning of the Shabbat Hagadol Confession time:

When I scheduled the Event on the 27th, I promised to check people on the call if they connect, really.

And I also promised that I was going to know if they are getting the download or not.

Continue reading “How Did It Go On The 27th? Have The Thousand Years Of Peace Begun? Happy New Year!”