More about tithing… Become a value recognizer

Originally posted 2011-02-15 20:23:48.

More about tithing;

In the previous article on tithing we discussed the question whether to tithe or not to tithe.

In this article we’ll look at the issue: if you want to tithe: what is the best way, what is the best place, from the point of view of your own self-interest.

The distinction I’d like to introduce here: Value recognizer, and I suggest that you become one. Why? You’ll see… invaluable!

Become a value recognizer Continue reading “More about tithing… Become a value recognizer”

When Does Tithing Activate The Law Of Attraction?

Originally posted 2011-02-13 20:14:34.

tithing: does it activate the law of attraction?Tithing Or Not Tithing, That Is The Question. Does tithing really work?

Now, why does this issue come up, and why now?

I have a client who asked this question, and because he has given me an opportunity to think this over, maybe even channel a little bit of knowledge, here is what I have come up with so far:

Tithing requires you to give from the seed level of vibration of gratitude. From that frequency you can activate value exchange. A value exchange, from a place of equal values changing hands, not from a place of being a bottomless pit in need, asking for handout, asking for more than you can give back. 1 What does that mean? Tithing is a kind of thank-you, appreciation (acknowledging value) expressed on the level of gratitude. 2

So when people ask: what is the vibrational frequency of money, they really should say: what is the vibrational frequency of equal trade? I give you this and you give me that, and we are both winners.

As such a tool tithing works miracles, but there is a problem. Continue reading “When Does Tithing Activate The Law Of Attraction?”

On Tithing and The Law of Attraction… does it make you rich?

Originally posted 2008-12-30 11:30:07.

Tithing is a voluntary contribution. It is a giving back where you got your spiritual nourishment, your inspiration.

  • It is keeping the blessing in movement.
  • It is an expression of your abundance regardless of the circumstance, so it is also a state of mind creator.
  • It has its roots in the Jewish mitzva (commandment) of leaving the edges of a cultivated land unharvested so the poor can come and collect the food. The Jewish long sideburn is a reminder of the mitzva, and tithing has some relationship to it with the Christian twist of where to give back.

I have found that tithing is a great activator of the Law of Attraction. Especially if you give often, and with the right mindset. According to Kabbalah the right mindset is a kind of spiritual or enlightened greed, give hungry for your own growth and your own enlightenment, and not from do-gooding. do-gooding is from ego (Satan)

My specialty is the mindset (or the seed level) of spiritual growth.

Read more about tithing here

If you get successful you’ll have to give back? Why? What?

the commandment to give

the commandment to giveI used to know this guy, a chiropractor, who had a son with a wife he divorced.

He charged little for his sessions, made all his money in cash, all to avoid paying child support. He could not stand the idea that much of his work went to his ex wife.

When the boy was 16, he came to live with his father… and miracle of miracles, the father started to look how to get rich, how to make more money.

If you are successful you have to give back? Why? What? How?

He preferred to have nothing to having something to give…

Continue reading “If you get successful you’ll have to give back? Why? What?”