How much do you fancy your hour is worth? And your life?

How much do you fancy your hour is worth? And your life?
mai tai or how much your life is worth without itValue, worth is a very interesting concept. It tells everything anyone needs to know about you.

Commerce, and most interactions are value-exchange-based when healthy.

But who defines what is value and how much?

Before we can go deeply into that, let’s look what you have that is of value…

Some of it is of value to you, some of it is of value to someone else.

You have your time. Instead of doing anything you want with it, some of it you’ll turn into value that you can sell. In exchange of something that you value more or equally as your time Continue reading “How much do you fancy your hour is worth? And your life?”

Are you managing time, energy or results? how is it going?

Are you managing time, energy or results? how is it going?

getting things done. become a producer We all have the same amount of time, 24 hours a day, and yet some people get more stuff done in that time than others. Getting things done makes you a producer… and that is a superpower.

People with more accomplishments have a secret. I am going to share this secret with you.

I had this secret, but truth be told, it was a secret hidden from me too until about an hour ago. Continue reading “Are you managing time, energy or results? how is it going?”

updated: Kabbalistic wisdom to create a turning point in your life

cause and effect... the boomerangIf you are reading my articles, you know that about a month ago I adjusted my predatory genes.

This happened after I read a thriller on human predatory genes… wrote about it, put it aside, let it simmer, and then returned to it a few months later when the idea came up again. Re-read the book, and decided to have a heart-to-heart with Source, and decide what to do about the issue.

Conversations with Source are like a 20 questions exercise: Source doesn’t quite speak like a person… although it does speak. It has, so far, four distinct and recognizable “words”: yes, no, somewhat, and maybe. Continue reading “updated: Kabbalistic wisdom to create a turning point in your life”