Worldviews: Tree of Knowledge winning over the Tree of Life?

Worldviews: Tree of Knowledge winning over the Tree of Life?
conflict of worldviewsYour worldview is invisible to you. It’s like the floor you walk on… the foundation of your life.

You need to understand that your dislike of certain people makes you a moron if you also decide that THEREFORE what they say must be stupid…

Or you like how someone looks, and therefore they must be smart. Ugh. Continue reading “Worldviews: Tree of Knowledge winning over the Tree of Life?”

Your worldview is holding you back. But what is it?

Your worldview is holding you back. But what is it?
cracking the entrepreneur codeYour worldview is holding you back

First off: what is worldview? Worldview is how you see things, a set of lenses a set of assumptions that are invisible to you. It is a particular philosophy of life or concept of the world. Maybe even an ideology.

Religion is a worldview.
Democracy is also a worldview
Fascism is also a worldview Continue reading “Your worldview is holding you back. But what is it?”