Reframing: How old are you being I ponder?

Raising your vibration, raising your coherence is your job. With my help. The helping is my job.

I am experiencing a blissful period in my work.

  • I personally experience seeing things from a higher place and in a richer way.
  • I also experience that suddenly more of my students are getting coherent than normal… than before.

Someone said: when you succeed you celebrate, when you fail you ponder.

But a really successful person ponders, no matter what.

Continue reading “Reframing: How old are you being I ponder?”

The answer is not within, the truth is not within…

The answer is not within, the truth is not within…

One of the most important things one can learn from the 67 steps is this: the truth is not within. It takes a sea of knowledge to even start to make out the outlines of the truth… And that knowledge needs to be learned… We live in a world of uneducated, ignorant fools… almost no one is an exception.

That doesn’t mean the truth is without either. Continue reading “The answer is not within, the truth is not within…”