How you have trained yourself to be self-hating

How you have trained yourself to be self-hating

La_confessioneYou are either used by Consciousness or the Mind.

I am used by Consciousness, Source. It is using me and my life, to map out the human condition to see if it is possible to take humanity to the next level where they don’t destroy the whole planet…

I have been used, consciously and willingly for about 12 years now.

When anything new needs to be seen, like a sneaky undertow, I have to go through the experience myself to distinguish it, to see it. Continue reading “How you have trained yourself to be self-hating”

What is Love, how does meditation work, what do the activators do?

i-love-youI have a Landmark Education friend. In Landmark Education you invent a new possibility for yourself and your life as often as daily… Possibility used to fix your wretched life… in spite of the fact that possibility does none of that.

I may talk about this in another article, but in this one, I’d like to share my educated take on LOVE… and some other topics…

This friend has been calling me all week. He invented loving people. Suddenly he is calling me. And gushing… about love, loving me, blah blah blah.
Continue reading “What is Love, how does meditation work, what do the activators do?”

With great power comes great responsibility

With great power comes great responsibility

originalWith great power comes great responsibility… Yeah, I know, sounds really boastful when you think I am saying it to myself… right?

But truth be told, not owning your power is more damaging to you than standing up and declaring it for all to hear.

Withholding it destroys you from the inside, declaring may get you burned on the stake… I prefer the stake, thank you very much. Continue reading “With great power comes great responsibility”