I show you mine if you show me yours…

I show you mine if you show me yours…
Code book discrepancy?

As a kid, my teacher said about me that I was amoral. Not immoral… amoral. Immoral: not conforming to accepted standards of morality. Amoral, on the other hand is lacking a moral sense; unconcerned with the rightness or wrongness of something.

Now, whether that was true or not: I don’t know. In fact, I have no idea. I think every child is amoral: we haven’t been indoctrinated in a moral code… aka code book.

My code book is probably different from your code book. Continue reading “I show you mine if you show me yours…”

This is one of those weeks: I am all talked out.

This is one of those weeks: I am all talked out.

And I rarely say anything twice. I expressed it once, and I am done with it.

34 years ago I started my journey from misery to The Promised Land… It was promised… and I went for it.

It was the last weekend of August back in 1985.

I snuck away from Jerusalem, where I lived at the time. Took the 2-hour bride to Haifa, took a taxi, and voila, my journey began.

It was a Communication Workshop. In Hebrew. My Hebrew was good enough to do work, but was pretty meager for transformational work, so it wasn’t till the last day that I understood a full sentence.

But that didn’t prevent me from having a breakthrough. Continue reading “This is one of those weeks: I am all talked out.”

The myth that if you are better than… better than who?

The myth that if you are better than… better than who?

The myth that if you are better than the average, if you are better than the other guy/gal then you are OK…

If you knew how others view you, if you knew how you rank as a human… really, you’d be up in arms, shouting “bloody murder!” because you are delusional. You can’t see the other, you can’t see yourself, and you definitely can’t see yourself the way others see you… so any and all negative feedback is a surprise and an insult.

But if you are comparing yourself to another 99 percenter… whether they are average, below average, or above average, you are comparing yourself to something irrelevant… Continue reading “The myth that if you are better than… better than who?”