I am getting requests to remove or change this article through legal services hired by Teal.
I am dumbfounded what about the article that does her wrong… Moshe Dayan famously said: I don’t care what people say about me, as long as they spell my name right it adds to my mystique…
So I have re-read this article, added some stuff… Updated her vibrational measure… whatever.
And given that she has made herself a Wikipedia entry, now I also know her date of birth, so I know that her soul correction is Sexual Energy… the energy I call on/off, and the attitude of the person I also call on/off… and the highest capacity to be personally offended… My younger brother has stopped talking to me because I dared to tell him what i thought about him… Cannot take the truth.
Read my newest article on Teal Scott, Teal Swan… Teal Scott revisited: Personal vibration: 150. I am asked, again and again: is she a liar? is she a fraud? is what she does or teach does for you what she claims it will do?
190 thousand pages in two years, wow. If you put Teal Scott in quotation marks in your google search box, that is how many pages are by her and about her.
Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Teal Scott revisited: the question is: is she a liar? is she a fraud? is what she does or teach does for you what she claims it will do?”