How high can you go from where you are? Tai Lopez review

How high can you go from where you are? Tai Lopez review

I monitor visitor behavior on my site… to see how they treat my articles… I spend a few minutes a week, in the morning. It often gives me an idea of what to write about, what to teach next.

This article is a result of those few minutes of looking today.

Oh, I mostly look at people who signed up to get an email notification each time I publish a new article… by the way. Those people have expressed interest, so I want to see what people who say ‘I am interested’ are doing. Continue reading “How high can you go from where you are? Tai Lopez review”

Growth, change is an epigenetic shift. First plug the leaks

Growth, change is an epigenetic shift. First plug the leaks

This article is about consolidation. Consolidation of what you have achieved… Without consolidation there is no growth… or if there is: it is called unmanaged growth… aka cancer.

Genetics is hardware. Epigenetics is software. Loosely speaking.

Capacities, in the DNA, can be expressed, switched on or switched off, like a plugin that provides additional functionality in a software.

When you change, you do more than just surface changes: in effect you change how the DNA, capacities, etc. get switched on or switched off… you are creating epigenetic changes. And not just physical, the only aspect ‘science’ is talking about, but the whole person. Not just fat/skinny, health conscious, life-unconscious aspect… but really the whole intelligent person who you are or… ahem… who you are not.

The first phase of growth is to plug the leaks.

Continue reading “Growth, change is an epigenetic shift. First plug the leaks”

Kick with one foot at a time or fall on your arse

Kick with one foot at a time or fall on your arse

‘You can only kick with one foot at a time, Otherwise you fall on your arse.’

You can only pick one thing that you want out of life, and if you pick the wrong thing, you’ll never be successful.
…Joel Salatin said, ‘the worst thing in life is to get older and realize you got good at the wrong thing.’

You would think that the title is about multi-tasking. But it isn’t. It is a life that is un-integrated.

So what is an integrated life? Continue reading “Kick with one foot at a time or fall on your arse”

12 behaviors to weed out to become worth a damn

12 behaviors to weed out to become worth a damn

Becoming worth a damn is what people in my 67 step coaching program are working on. But here is an aspect that is not touched on by Tai Lopez and his 67 steps program.

Being worth a damn is a tricky distinction: there are no guidelines to follow. If you want to be worth a damn, where you want to look is what value other people assign to you, how much respect, support, love, etc. you get from other people.

This is also my first time looking at life through this question, and myself have found two behaviors I haven’t eliminated completely, and all the negative social feedback is caused by those. Continue reading “12 behaviors to weed out to become worth a damn”

What you see… is it reality?

The view is different from the foot of the mountain than from the top

One of the weird thing about humans that they are stuck in their limited view of reality.

They don’t even suspect that there is a different view from different points.

This is why almost every otherwise worthless therapist or coach can cause temporary results… because all they need to learn is to ask you to look a different way, through a different perspective, and voilĂ … magic happens.

The problem is that when you are left to your own devices, you rarely if ever think to activate the magic. The magic that is magical, but isn’t magic.

Things look different from different perspectives, because that is what perspective means. Duh.

And because your life is given by what you see, if you are stuck, which seems to me is always, all you need to do is change the perspective.

I hardly know anyone who volunteers to do that. Continue reading “What you see… is it reality?”

Raising your intelligence will pay off in spades?

Raising your intelligence will pay off in spades?

Billionaires are rare creatures.

One of the things you can learn about them is this: they could have become billionaires in almost any business. Not just the one they actually did.

I mean it. But they chose the business they chose, and they chose based on what they saw. Continue reading “Raising your intelligence will pay off in spades?”