Synergy is a lot like alchemy… seemingly something from not much

Synergy is a lot like alchemy… seemingly something from not much

Synergy is when two or more otherwise inactive or insignificant elements are combined to great effect.

A clothing outfit… each piece is just a piece of clothing, but together they look like a million bucks.

Or the heated mattress and the blanket… neither of them will stop the cold from killing you, by itself, when it’s a really really cold night, but together they keep you toasty hot.

Or tea and milk…

Once I distinguished these, I hope it will be easier to see, using your Sight capacity, to see it everywhere.

In this article I am going to show examples that are not as easy to see as the ones above. Continue reading “Synergy is a lot like alchemy… seemingly something from not much”

The magic of synergy: Bach Profile and Mustard Seed… together

The magic of synergy: Bach Profile and Mustard Seed… together

I got an email from a student who was watching my Mustard Seed video and also bought his Bach Profile.

Both are vehicles for deep insight, but together they are unbeatable, because how you go about deciding what is your higher power that you are going to honor, as in the 12 step programs, will come completely consistent with your Bach Profile. Continue reading “The magic of synergy: Bach Profile and Mustard Seed… together”

Full self realization: what does it mean and how to be the one in 100 thousand who does it?

Full self-realization is hard… Even half is hard… even being on the path is hard. Partially because we don’t know how to do it. And partially because you prefer to be comfortable…

This article maps it all out… so you can choose. Choose to go for it or not… And, please don’t expect stuff you have read, hear, everywhere… If it worked, a lot more people would be fully self-realized.

What prevents you from full self-realization 1 and what could be your pivoting point?

Self-realization is rare. You’ll be surprised why… read on…

We don’t even agree about what it is… do we?

But I had an insight this past week: self-realization is when the two selves meet and start to work as a team, synergistically.

And that is rare. Continue reading “Full self realization: what does it mean and how to be the one in 100 thousand who does it?”

You are either a partner, an employee, or a slave… or a slave driver

There are people I like to work with, and there are people who have no interest in working with me, they remain separate, and there is no “us”.

The ones with no “us” are the majority. Most will talk at me, demand of me, and maybe accept stuff, but there is no working together, no common shared goals, no synergy.

I feel used, and I bow out, or I fire them if they are a client.

In fact, that is the only type of client I ever fire… So if you are one of those… now you know.

Life is like sex: you can go at it on your own… and have some satisfaction, but if you try it with another, you may have bliss.

And, of course, how you do anything is how you do everything: I pity the ones with the “I am on my own, doing it alone” type of people, who, in my experience, are 70% of all people. Male, female… equally.

Sexual abuse, molestation, sexual whatever, that America is in uproar about, is about this… one using another for their own gratification.
Continue reading “You are either a partner, an employee, or a slave… or a slave driver”