What is life about? I mean life for a human? Your life…

What is life about? I mean life for a human? Your life…
meaning-of-life2What is life about?

What is the purpose of life? I mean life for a human being? Not Life, but life…

What is life about? I mean life for a human being? Not Life, but life…

There are two schools of preference. Two schools of priorities. The main difference between the two schools is how they consider your size, and how they define what is your “job” in life, what should be your aspiration. Continue reading “What is life about? I mean life for a human? Your life…”

The Path to Enlightenment: an inside affair?

The Path to Enlightenment:  an inside affair?

I love movies where humans seem to be endowed with supernatural capabilities. They are fun, and they give hope to people. For me they show the possibility of being a human being, shows me what’s possible, what kind of being is possible for human beings.

Hope in those supernatural beings, like in all saviors, allows humanity to be wretched, to buy time, to live below its potential, to live in hate, to live in pretense, to live in unreality, to never have to take responsibility for who we are and how we are. Continue reading “The Path to Enlightenment: an inside affair?”