Do you know that feeling of utter powerlessness when you don’t know how you are going to meet your obligations, like paying your rent, or feeding yourself or your family?
That feeling seems to come from reality, right? That feeling seems to be totally justified and an exact match to how you should feel, given what is the truth about life, your life, your circumstances especially, right?
What would you say if I told you that the feeling and the actions consistent with it, scrambling or non-action, are based on an unreality? Would you say I was crazy? Would you say I was delusional? Would you say that maybe in my case this could be true but not in yours?
I sympathize. I understand. I was just like you most of my life, and even today I am hovering on the border of being like you and being different.
Different how? You ask… good question. Well, for one, when the world seems to be tumbling down on me, I now have the wherewithal (a fancy word for capacity, lol. exact meaning: The money or other means needed for a particular purpose.) to stay put and look and think. Thinking in emergency situations, thinking when in trouble, used to be my Achilles heel. Why? Because the saying: ’emotions up, intelligence down,’ are very true, for everyone.
Unless you can regain or maintain your calm, and stay collected and intelligent under pressure, you are roadkill…
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