What does it do to you that you think you are smart?

What does it do to you that you think you are smart?

I woke up too early again this morning. 2:30. The question was: shall I get up? Will I have a good day?

I muscletested and muscletest says: get up… but in the end I went back to bed… And I had this insight:

All questions, is this good, is this bad, shall I do this?, shall I do that? are all a variation of should…

All are signs of not willing to take responsibility of how life turns out. Continue reading “What does it do to you that you think you are smart?”

Taking you from smart to intelligent…

Taking you from smart to intelligent…
not very smart but very intelligentTaking you from smart to intelligent…

OK, my intention is to teach you to become intelligent… Lots of people will teach you stuff that is going to help you to regurgitate stuff, look good and smart to others, but is otherwise useless… for life.

So I am really only interested in making you intelligent. And so that you know: intelligence is 70% physical, and only 30% mental. You don’t learn it through mental means: you learn it through being in intimate touch with your physical self, and I am not talking about muscles, and athleticity, I am talking about everything physical, including all the senses, hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting and touching.

OK, after this preamble, we can start… Continue reading “Taking you from smart to intelligent…”

You cannot solve a problem that is not real

We all have moments of brilliance and hours of stupidity, or some version of “not brilliant”

Some people take it in stride… this is how it is, no matter who you are. Einstein had moments of brilliance… and hours, days of stupidity too. Continue reading “You cannot solve a problem that is not real”

Why you go for more knowledge, more and more and more…

I just finished reading a book, a NY times bestseller.

In it a scientist discovers two life enhancing treatments: one makes you smarter, the other makes you live longer.

People go crazy to live longer, and don’t care to get smarter. 1As I am looking to find some good pictures to illustrate this article, I am finding that people have NO IDEA what it is, or what it would look like to be smarter. So they don’t even go there. Continue reading “Why you go for more knowledge, more and more and more…”