Make the ‘Happy New Year!’ wish come true for you?

Make the ‘Happy New Year!’ wish come true for you?

I took the garbage out this morning. It was really cold… I was shivering.

The guy across the street yelled to me: Happy New Year… and I responded in kind… But these good wished are nothing but wishful thinking: your word won’t make it happen. You wanting the New Year to be happy won’t do it for you… unless something changes… something fundamental… like your word will start to have power.

Because, at present, it has no power, or not much… instead your emotions control what you do, not your words.

Continue reading “Make the ‘Happy New Year!’ wish come true for you?”

What’s your Silver bullet? A magic solution? Killer of evil?

What’s your Silver bullet? A magic solution? Killer of evil?

Silver bullet

What does the silver bullet do?

It cuts through everything.

In folklore, a bullet cast from silver is often the only weapon that is effective against a werewolf, a witch, or other monsters.

The term is also a metaphor for a simple, seemingly magical, solution to a difficult problem: for example, penicillin was a silver bullet that cured many bacterial infections. Continue reading “What’s your Silver bullet? A magic solution? Killer of evil?”