The sideways glance that raises your vibration

The sideways glance that raises your vibration
The Sideways Glance is The Key To Raising Your Consciousness Raising Your Vibration

I watched a movie last night. Stayed up watching it till 1:30 am. Way past my bedtime, because it was urgent for me to watch it. lol.

I knew there was something very important in it for me to get. but what?

I had seen this movie, back in Hungary, 50 years ago.

The movie is called ‘The Lawyer’
Continue reading “The sideways glance that raises your vibration”

Inner peace… aka completion. Is it possible for you?

Inner peace… aka completion. Is it possible for you?
anxious,depressed, peacefulInner Peace is elusive. It’s elusive like health.

What do you call peace? The lack of war? What do you call health? Lack of illness?

Imagine that you are walking in a forest, on a footpath on a beautiful summer day. The birds are chirping. There is a slight breeze. There is peace. And you may know that animals are hunting, eating another, and yet there is peace. Continue reading “Inner peace… aka completion. Is it possible for you?”

How to know yourself? The sideways glance

KnowThyselfKnowing yourself well is vitally important when you want to interact with reality powerfully.

What’s in the way of you knowing yourself well?

Illusions, delusions, flattery, comparison, arrogance, I could continue this list for a whole page.

So given that so many things are in the way, blocking or distorting your view, how do you get to know yourself? Continue reading “How to know yourself? The sideways glance”