Some shoulds are imposed by other people, government, etc.

Some shoulds are imposed by other people, government, etc.

Some shoulds are imposed by other people, government, etc.

Other shoulds are self-imposed.

I am Johnny-come-lately in that I couldn’t, didn’t see any shoulds, but now I’ve caught a few yesterday, and I caught a few today.

  • I should always look before I leap… lol. Especially when it comes to Freecell…
  • I should empty the dishwasher. This came on the shoulders of actually yesterday emptying and loading the thing… and now I have clean dishes and utensils.

Continue reading “Some shoulds are imposed by other people, government, etc.”

You are flaccid, impotent, ignored so you resist

You are flaccid, impotent, ignored so you resist
You are flaccid, impotent, ignored… so you resist forcefully

Some terms of contradiction in the title, wouldn’t you agree?

But, of course, only on the surface.

If you feel powerless, which is the word I would use to cover all those colorful aspects with just one word… If you feel powerless, you’re, instinctively, going to use force… because it is natural.

I can’t even blame you for it. Continue reading “You are flaccid, impotent, ignored so you resist”

You live in an illusion… like The Matrix… And you are not happy…

You live in an illusion… like The Matrix… And you are not happy…

illusionIn a workshop yesterday we spent some time defining REALITY. what must be present, what checkboxes you must tick for what you see to be reality… and everything that is not reality is illusion.

It was a first for most people… Reality is one of those words: foggy, undefined… amorphous. In the Starting Point Measurements I measure to what degree you are accurate with your vocabulary, especially with words like ‘reality’. Most people are at or below 10% accuracy.

We came up with four criteria… and there could be more.


1. collective: everyone should be able to see it
2. there is only one reality and it’s the same for everyone
3. reality doesn’t change over time. The interpretation may, but what happened happened. Continue reading “You live in an illusion… like The Matrix… And you are not happy…”