Depression, Hate, Anger… Signs of The Dark Forces

Depression, Hate, Anger… Signs of The Dark Forces
Depression, Hate, Anger… These are All Signs That The Dark Forces Have Gained A Foothold In You

I read a book a few years ago by Kabbalah teacher, Yehuda Berg.

The book was on depression, and it promised to show you the restart button, so you can restart yourself and    stop suffering. Continue reading “Depression, Hate, Anger… Signs of The Dark Forces”

Depression: could it be caused by your sleep habits?

Depression: could it be caused by your sleep habits?

134006499Summary: when you declare that the state that you are in is depression, a loss of aliveness, a loss of piss and vinegar, then you suddenly have access to a power that you didn’t when you were just experiencing the exact same symptoms, without a label. This article is about what to do after the declaration

  • When life loses its taste
  • When sleeping tastes better than life
  • When you are not starting a project or stopping one you are in the middle of because you can’t see your way through it or because you don’t see that it can win
  • When you’d rather do menial stuff or watch movies
  • When you are obsessed with your sleep

Then you are, most likely, depressed.

Depression can be so low grade that most people would say it’s normal. Like with everything, you need a control, something to compare yourself with.
Continue reading “Depression: could it be caused by your sleep habits?”