Are you looking for inspiration in the wrong places??

Are you looking for inspiration in the wrong places??
looking for inspirationLooking for inspiration to empower you?

I woke up this morning pondering what to write about.

The cartoon of the inventor of the wheel who offers it to the knuckleheads who are too busy to listen.

And then one of my clients wrote to me. She said: customs make the Jews, not the Jews make the customs?

And then the idea for this article was ready.

The email conversation began with my client wishing me a happy Christmas Eve. Continue reading “Are you looking for inspiration in the wrong places??”

How to make New Year’s Resolutions succeed? of how to unstuck yourself for good?

How to make New Year’s Resolutions succeed? of how to unstuck yourself for good?

The goal of this article is to show you  why you haven’t been able to grow, and how to unstuck yourself: a new methodology.

The size of your projects is the size of your life. Your New Year’s resolution is a project. big or small shows the size of your life.

If you are not working on it, it is not a project. For it to be a project, you need to work on it. Otherwise it is just a fantasy.

The size of the people your project helps is the size of your world.

Giving away money that you didn’t earn isn’t a project.

Yesterday we had the 3-wishes workshop. It’s a fun little exercise. But we didn’t do it for fun. Most fun exercises have hidden huge learnings: about you, about the size of your world and the size of your life.

What does it have to do with a New year resolution? Patience, I’ll make them connect later. First you want to look at the ingredients… there are no jumps in reality, and when you jump, you do that in your imagination, and your results will be also in your imagination, not in reality… How is that for a learning, learning why your New Year Resolutions haven’t panned out thus far… You did jumps in it.

Projects are like building a ladder and climbing it to the fulfillment… not a jump. Continue reading “How to make New Year’s Resolutions succeed? of how to unstuck yourself for good?”

How you look at a thing makes all the difference

How you look at a thing makes all the difference

Sometimes I get up in the morning and then do maintenance stuff on my computer, of play Freecell, because there is nothing that is pressing me to write about.

As soon as I look at myself playing Freecell that it is a process I trust to bring up topics I could write about, within a game, 3-4 minutes, a whole topic emerges.

It was there, it just needed to be called.

Last Saturday I had a tech teacher of mine on my 3-wishes workshop. I invited him, I comped him in, and he came.

I treated him special, and he got to see something about himself that he can now deal with. He saw that his fixed way of being with nearly anything is that he is resentful… while he could be grateful. Continue reading “How you look at a thing makes all the difference”

Are 30 day challenges worth doing? Are 66 days better?

Are 30 day challenges worth doing? Are 66 days better?

Somehow it seems that 30 days are almost enough to establish a habit… even though other reports say: it takes 66 days.

One of my old students who had not participated in anything I offered for 8 years now, decided to join the Validation Challenge.

The discipline of doing something daily and get daily feedback on how that action worked started to create a miracle.

Some people surrender to discipline, some people welcome it as an accountability device, others continue doing what they always do… which is either doing nothing, or doing something that is based on some misunderstanding. Continue reading “Are 30 day challenges worth doing? Are 66 days better?”

You are like a dog wagged by its tail. The Mind is the tail…

You are like a dog wagged by its tail. The Mind is the tail…

You live as an object in a world of objects… an object with a mind, but nevertheless an object.

Your mind serves one purpose only: to live really like a machine, protecting itself, being self-concerned. Because if you are an object in a world of object, then every other object is a threat to you, physically, or otherwise, so you are always concerned with how you look, that you are right, that you dominate and avoid domination, you win and avoid losing, you justify yourself and invalidate others, and desperately scramble to avoid responsibility for anything and everything.

That is the life of an object living in a world of objects.

Your mind also tells you that you have to, you need to, you want to, you should do all the things that will make you look good and make it in this world of objects.

The problem with this setup, other than that it’s miserable, is that you are not ‘designed’ as an object: you are designed to be a person. But other than in labels, 99.99% of humanity behaves like an object, not as a person.

What is the main difference?

A person is not the dog that is wagged by the tail.

WTF are you talking about, Sophie? Continue reading “You are like a dog wagged by its tail. The Mind is the tail…”

Homo Sapiens is a fixing machine…

Homo Sapiens is a fixing machine…

The underlying meaning that causes this rush to fixing is the idea that things are either right or wrong, good or bad.

A back and white way of thinking.

How prevalent this is? Regardless of social status, net worth, 99.99% of humanity lives on the level of black and white value judgment, and even smart ones, like my two coaches, like Bill Gates, like Warren Buffet, (NOT Charlie Munger, by the way) think, judge, and live that way.

This is the only reason that there are two parties… for the members, one is good, and the other is bad.

So there is no wonder that the world is going out in a hand basket.

Humanity, judging from the DNA was meant to be above black and white thinking, but it isn’t… Continue reading “Homo Sapiens is a fixing machine…”

How to tell the difference between thing-ness and beingness

How to tell the difference between thing-ness and beingness

How to tell the difference between thing-ness and beingness… i.e. are you treating another a person or a thing?

I learned, maybe re-learned something from my an email I got from someone who is taking ‘becoming a person’ very seriously… thank god.

He got that only through ‘granting’ personness to another makes you a person. That really you cannot be a person among objects… what you give is what you are.

Very counterintuitive idea, and probably controversial too. But to echo most people’s emotions: a ‘bummer’… too bad.

We all want to be treated as a person, we want to be treated like we are a ‘somebody’, not a thing, and definitely not a ‘nothing’. Continue reading “How to tell the difference between thing-ness and beingness”

Imagine you are shipwrecked… how far would you swim to get back to society?

Imagine you are shipwrecked… how far would you swim to get back to society?

I made my birthday week special by having a long, 90-minute private call with every active student of mine in my Growth course.

There are things you can see in an interactive course, and then there are things you can see in a private one-on-one call.

What I saw this week is priceless.

I saw how rigidity and fear, scarcity and timid moves, how living in survival actually looks when you look through actions. Continue reading “Imagine you are shipwrecked… how far would you swim to get back to society?”

Can you learn, do you learn from your mistakes?

Can you learn, do you learn from your mistakes?

A few days ago I set up my brain, or spirit, or the reticular activator, or whatever it is that is doing the looking when I am busy doing other things to find ways for me to teach you to look…

…because without looking The Sight capacity won’t do much for you.

The answers come to me through different channels.

  • I may notice my own behavior that causes The Sight to kick in.
  • I may get an email that points to some ways
  • Mostly what I get is examples of how someone isn’t even looking.
The more concerns you have in life, the less you are able to look.

Continue reading “Can you learn, do you learn from your mistakes?”

If you don’t know what you want you end up with…

If you don’t know what you want you end up with…

One of the things people have a difficulty with, in my experience, is creating a vision for their lives.

When I ask what they want, what they are up to, they draw a blank.

And even when and if they have some answer, it is not something that even if they got it, would make them happy, fulfilled, joyful, connected, loved, etc.

Every aspect of you has a different ‘agenda’…

  • The Selfish Gene
  • The ego
  • the soul/spirit or whatever you want to call it, the high minded aspect of you
  • the body
  • the mind
  • the Witness/Consciousness

these all want something different… and you, who you consider yourself to be: you are like the person in the middle of the ball game where the ball is thrown in a circle, past you… and you are always left without a ball. Continue reading “If you don’t know what you want you end up with…”